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Author Topic: Remote MC17 on another machine over LAN  (Read 2096 times)


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Remote MC17 on another machine over LAN
« on: May 30, 2012, 07:43:37 pm »

For example I have desktop PC with speaker systems. I have laptop . Desktop and laptop use the same rounter (same LAN), also installed MC17.

I have two case:

1. Music stored in  desktop PC
2. Music stored in laptop

- I want to use laptop to control computer A to hear music stored in computer A

- I to use laptop to control computer A to hear music stored in latop

I do not want use remote, VNP (because desktop using by other person)

I tried played song in laptop (here), and see desktop playing that song (there) but the sound is muted in desktop

Sorry for my bad English! My request in the same here but no body answear:



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Re: Remote MC17 on another machine over LAN
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2012, 04:25:02 pm »

Put MC on both computers.

To hear music stored on computer A on computer B, under Playing Now, connect to computer A's library server and load the library. Play what you wish.
To hear music stored on computer A on computer A controlled by computer B do as above but play to the There: zone.

To hear music stored on computer B on computer A, select the music on computer B, then right-click  and do send to computer A.

The other scenarios, just do it normally.



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Re: Remote MC17 on another machine over LAN
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 07:57:17 pm »

I did what you said.  Successfull, thank you!

Now client PC only plays the library already opened by the server PC.

I want to use the client PC to open all libraies of the server PC, and then use client PC to choose one library on server PC to play music stored in server PC.


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Re: Remote MC17 on another machine over LAN
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2012, 05:36:11 pm »

I did what you said.  Successfull, thank you!

Now client PC only plays the library already opened by the server PC.
Good, glad to hear that works for you.
I want to use the client PC to open all libraies of the server PC, and then use client PC to choose one library on server PC to play music stored in server PC.
There isn't a way to do what you describe above. The Server library must be active to be selected by the client.


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Re: Remote MC17 on another machine over LAN
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2012, 07:29:22 pm »

Can you modify the next version to do it?
Because I really annoying to have to ask someone using server computer changes library (We work in the room).


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Re: Remote MC17 on another machine over LAN
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 04:08:49 pm »

Can you modify the next version to do it?
Because I really annoying to have to ask someone using server computer changes library (We work in the room).
What are you trying to do? Can't you simply add the remote libraries that are on the server to the client PC?


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Re: Remote MC17 on another machine over LAN
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 06:34:54 pm »

Can you modify the next version to do it?
Because I really annoying to have to ask someone using server computer changes library (We work in the room).

There are several ways to achieve what you say you want.  You could open more than one instance of MC on the server end.  Or you could make the music files on the server shareable and import them to a library on your client PC.  Or you could use a single library on the server containing all the files on the server PC with custom tags to indicate what library they came from.

I suggest that you read the Wiki, search threads on this forum and explore the menus in MC 17 before you ask for changes to the program that reflect your limited understanding of MC 17.



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Re: Remote MC17 on another machine over LAN
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 07:58:59 pm »

Client PC do not have speaker, so I must listen music on server PC. I can not use Server PC because other person using it!

I think in my case, it better for use client PC to choose one libary on server machine, then play music in server PC with speaker system. I can add all songs into one library but we have too much song. We know that MC is the best software music with special media network function.

I added all songs in all folders into one library but have too much songs located in many folders. It difficult to choose folder to play (I can use Quick Seach or arrange songs in ascending filename but still inconvenience)

I think other way: If MC 17 can  view all songs in library in tree folder type, I can easy to open folder I like to play.

For example with picture, I easy choose chachacha folder to play (all songs in folders view tree folder type):

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