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Still no EPG for Australia?

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Hi All
Just using the trial version of 17 and noted the following still missing (already discussed in previous posts)
1) no EPG for FREEVIEW Australia Digital
2) still unable to change the refresh rate

I don't really want to go back to using epgstream to get XMLTV guide info, this is an outdated form since win7 MC in Oz

Also is there going to be a Linux dev for this as I currently use MINT12 with XBMC which is until trying this software my preferred HTPC solution, Fast boot, minimal os.

On the plus side, what an AWESOME bit of HTPC software, I would buy it at the drop of a hat IF Australia Digital FREEVIEW was incorporated as standard, my only other gripe would be the fees for future upgrades, I feel that is a bit off when you purchase a license it should include future developements (at least to a certain build level)

Will carry on playing with this for the month  ;D ;D ;D 8) :-\

All the best for future editions

Welcome to the forum.  These might help:


--- Quote from: mysticpete on June 12, 2012, 06:51:21 am ---my only other gripe would be the fees for future upgrades, I feel that is a bit off when you purchase a license it should include future developements (at least to a certain build level)

--- End quote ---

It does.

MC17 is currently on its 170th update. All free after purchase of MC17.  ;D


--- Quote from: imugli on June 12, 2012, 10:01:34 pm ---It does.

MC17 is currently on its 170th update. All free after purchase of MC17.  ;D

--- End quote ---

Yep.  They release a new build roughly once a week on this forum.  You can always come here to get them, or just set the Updater in the application to "Latest" mode.  These updates are often not just minor bugfixes and tweaks, but they regularly add major new features (while grinding away with those little bits of polish).

Eventually, almost certainly sometime this year, they will switch development to MC18 which will be a paid upgrade.  No one can say exactly when that will be (probably not even Jim), but the first beta builds of MC17 came out around September 2011, though it didn't go on sale until sometime later.  Usually they give an "early adopter upgrade price" which is extremely reasonable, considering the work they will put into the product over the next year.

The updates that cost money almost always have enhancements that if you were to add via a plugin would be more than the upgrade price so it is actually a bargain.
This doesn't account for all of the improvements that are made that aren't available through a plugin.

The upgrades are on roughly a 12month cycle so it comes out to $1.50-$2.00/month depending on how quickly you update which is far from unreasonable IMO.
Is it not worth 7 cents a day to have the best? Don't know about you but when I think about it that way it is quite cheap.

One other thing that make it worth every penny is the direct route to the development team, and don't think that my MC Beta Team status has anything to do with
that. I have only been a part of the team for a few months and I feel that I had as much influence then as I have now maybe more because they already know I am hooked.  ;)

Are there any plugin type programs or an API for FREEVIEW. I can't imagine it being too difficult to make something work.
This information would be the first step in resolution even if it doesn't come from the JRiver dev team as there are many very intelligent and resourceful people here.  


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