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Author Topic: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View  (Read 3142 times)


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Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« on: May 04, 2012, 09:12:41 pm »

I'm having a problem with the Artist Covers in theater view.  In standard view the artist covers show up fine. 

Some Artist covers will not show up, they just show the CD covers instead or have the wrong artist cover.  I think the problem is related to the Artist field having multiple entries.  An example is the artist field having: Jack Johnson; Matt Costa; Zach Gill.  The Artist cover for Zach Gill shows up as Jack Johnson.  While other artists will just have the CD covers instead.

One of the things I tried is to import albums by the artist first and then add the multiple artists.  This only worked for a couple so I am at a loss as to what exactly is causing it.

Any ideas are how get the covers to work the same as Standard View?

I'm using the lastest 17.0.144
The view is just: Artist\grouping\Album




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Re: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 01:52:45 pm »


Still having issues with this (Using the latest .165).  One of the workarounds I was thinking about was to use a custom Related Artists field (put all the second artists into this field) and an expression that would group those albums together.

My Theater View layout is:

[Grouping] by (Albums - Boxsets - SACD - Various - Related).  <-Would it be possible to add expression that adds a group "Related" here and then it would show all the albums below that the artist was the secondary artist on?
[Albums] (using an expression) - The expression is used only to group the various / soundtrack albums together.

This way I can remove all the secondary artists from the "Artist Field" and the correct artwork will show up.




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Re: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 02:13:32 pm »

When using an expression with a list field only the first entry is returned, to my knowledge there isn't a work around for this behavior but with some creativity you may be able to come up with something.
Would altering the order in the list work for you?
example use:
Jack Johnson; Matt Costa; Zach Gill if it is a Jack Johnson song
Matt Costa; Zach Gill; Jack Johnson if it is a Matt Costa song


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Re: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2012, 04:52:23 pm »

It appears artist cover art lookup is defeated when using an expression.  Otherwise, you could use:


to obtain the entire list of artists.  This might be a performance optimization or special-case reduction, in that the selecting of Artist or Album Artist (auto) from the library field pick-list makes the choice unambiguous (i.e. if the category is Artist, lookup Artist cover art).
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


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Re: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2012, 04:58:11 pm »


The problem is not with the order of the artists, it is that there is more then 1 artist.  There is some problem with how Theater View vs Standard View is dealing with the multiple artists and Artist Covers. All Artists covers show up fine with Standard View.

I was just hoping that there would be some expression that I could use so the artwork would show up and still show all the albums/songs by an artists.

As a last resort I was just going to make copies of the albums and put them in a duplicates folder and then tag them with only a single artist.  But I was trying to avoid that for space reasons since some of them are SACDs. 




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Re: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2012, 02:14:52 am »

I do not have a workaround. Artist art only shows up if the category is set to the stock [Artist] or [Album artist (auto)] fields.

I think the display issue in theatre view is just a bug since the logic works fine in standard view. A while ago I reported my findings in a hidden beta thread:

But when I look at artist and album artist (auto) based views in JRemote and theatre view some artist art is missing or incorrect. Another, inferior, artist art logic seems to be used in those places. Lists of artists seems to be involved in all instances where artist art is incorrect.
1. In an album artist (auto) based view, a manually set [Album Artist] is not respected at least not always. Instead artist art for the primary artist on the first track is shown.
2. In an album artist (auto) based view, artist art is not shown for (Multiple Artists). (I have manually added an image file for that entry. I think JRiver should provide some nice image for this "artist" as default.)
3. In an artist based view, set artist to artist1; artist2 and for artist2 the artist art for artist1 is shown. At least this is the case if artist2 only appears on one track.
4. The cases where no artist art is shown even though an image file is there and shown in standard view are harder to track down. As far as I can tell a list of artists is always involved as well as more than one album (i.e. I think at least one album would have been considered as a (Multiple Artists) album if an [Album Artist] had not been set). It seems not to matter if the artist is primary artist on all tracks or not. I have an [Album Artist] set for all albums except those I consider to be VA albums.

I am sure the developers will find a fix when they get to this item on their list of things to fix.

Btw. There is another difference between art display in standard view and theatre view/JRemote. In standard view MC for an album always shows the album art assigned to the very first track in the album (track # 0 or 1, if the view is sorted by track #) but this is not always the case in theatre view/JRemote where album art from a seemingly random track in the album sometimes is shown.


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Re: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 08:21:19 pm »


Thanks for the info.  Until this gets fixed I made a second view that shows the artists that are part of albums.  It only works if there are only 2 artists but that fixes 98% of the ones that I'm having a problem with.  Here are the breakdowns of the two views if anyone else is interested.

Main View - Shows all my music
[Artist] - Ella Fitzgerald
[Grouping] - SACDs
[Albums] - Ella And Louis

Second View - Only shows secondary artists
-Alt. Artists-
[Series] - Louis Armstrong - (I do not use JR for Video - So I used this field for the 2nd artist so that Artist Covers show up)
[Grouping] - SACDs
[Albums] - Ella And Louis

Probably making it more complicated then it is worth, but I like to show off the Artist Covers (The covers I use are either 1920x1080 or 1280x720) and with the new Thumbnail view it looks pretty cool.  Also doing it this way is also easy to reverse when the bug gets fixed.




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Re: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 11:54:23 pm »

The covers I use are either 1920x1080 or 1280x720

Where do you find such large artist art? Are there special websites for this, like there is for album art? Some of the artist art images that MC retrieves from are really small.


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Re: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2012, 12:24:52 am »


The main site that I use is and Google Images.  Others I scanned in from 8x10 promo photos or scanned from the booklets then fixed them up.  So not all of them are the true rez but they look better then ones.  Still missing a few for my collection, but I use a temp (1920x1080) image so all the pictures are the same size.




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Re: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2012, 02:26:54 am »

Thanks. I did not know about the site.


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Re: Problem with Artist covers in Theater View
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2012, 06:32:43 pm »


I found another pretty cool site for the fanart.

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