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Author Topic: Cover Art DB  (Read 1785 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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Cover Art DB
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:11:11 pm »


What DB is used for audio cover art. I've got a load of clubby CDs so the artist is Various Artists, but MC is not matching on any them. I've looked them up on Amazon to make sure I've got the right label, but it just doesn't find anything.

So I wanted to know what DB MC uses and if I can do a manual lookup outside of MC to find how it is labelled on the DB.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Cover Art DB
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 06:56:53 pm »

Get from Internet uses a JRiver database of user contributed covers. If the '(Multiple Artists) - [Album]' search finds nothing, it doesn't exist in the database. Be sure to set the option Submit cover art changes to online database, so when you find a cover elsewhere it will be added to the database automatically. ;)

My routine is to check AlbumArtExchange first (using a Link) for a high quality cover. If there's nothing there, I use AlbumArtDownloader (using the Send to menu) for a wide search of many sources.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Cover Art DB
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2012, 12:47:04 am »

OK, so how do I stop MC from getting artwork itself.

Just been to the site you mentioned, got all my albums artwork (nearly 400 albums), put them into each folder as Folder.jpg, then removed covert art from all albums and left this going overnight (7000 songs takes a long time!). The plan was then to tell MC to get the artwork from the files.

Just checked now and it's redownloaded all the artwork from it's DB and overwritten my Folder.jpg files.

So have to start all over again!

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Cover Art DB
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 01:11:46 am »

So have to start all over again!

Oops! Your options must be set to save cover art in the same folder as the file as folder.jpg. That means it will save it's cover art to folder.jpg, not that it will use folder.jpg as cover art.

Replace or add new cover art by selecting all the files of an album, then using Add from file... or Paste from clipboard. The cover art will then be saved as specified in Options.


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Re: Cover Art DB
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2012, 01:36:47 am »

a modest tip: MC is deep and powerful and has features that can make a huge mess of your media library if improperly applied. Never do 400 of anything until you've tried 1 to see what happens.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Cover Art DB
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2012, 06:14:51 am »

OK. I have been through ALL my covert art, downloaded my preferred ones (which for films is the original poster from it's theatrical release), resized them all to the same dimensions and resolution, and then, again for films, removed the release date, 'Coming Soon', etc. wording from them. For music artwork, I have removed the 'Contains explicit....' wording for those that didn't have 'clean' versions.

Obviously as I add to my library the same customizations will be made.

So how can I now submit all my covert art to the relevant DBs so that should my house burn down I do not lose it all. And you never know others might want it the same but couldn't be arsed to do it themselves (not that that's a bad thing - I have OCD so things must be identical, hence the dimensions/resolutions being the same).


PS: Feature request: When doing right click > Get Movie and TV info, can you set the default to have the 'Use image' checkbox unchecked.
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