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Browser based Theater View (random suggestion)

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--- Quote from: perpetual98 on July 30, 2012, 12:51:17 pm ---From the Feature Requests thread:

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He just meant the skinning system, not necessarily the features of Theater View itself.

WebGizmo is pretty close to what you're looking for, though maybe not as slick or capable as you're hoping currently.  You should check it out.


--- Quote from: glynor on July 30, 2012, 01:02:38 pm ---WebGizmo is pretty close to what you're looking for, though maybe not as slick or capable as you're hoping currently.  You should check it out.
--- End quote ---

Yeah, I fired up WebGizmo and it looked pretty slick, then I got side-tracked by women's volleyball in the Olympics.  :)


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