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Author Topic: Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112  (Read 2810 times)


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Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112
« on: August 13, 2012, 02:04:22 pm »

In recent weeks I have experienced problems connecting Media Center to my Denon AVR-2112 via DLNA.  I'd appreciate help and suggestions.  This is a pretty popular receiver.

Most of the time when I open Media Center I see the following behavior:
1.  Media Center opens and over a period of ~30 sec shows in the left pane the Denon.
2.  When I click on the Denon, the player bar at the top shows Denon but volume bar is wrong.  It shows minimum volume no matter the actual setting. 
3.  Any further actions (dragging music to the Denon or changing Denon volume for example) cause MC to become unresponsive or show a pop up that "something went wrong with playback" or pop up the windows dialog that something went wrong with the prorgram and it needs to close.
4.  At anytime, I can right click on the Denon in Network window (Windows), access the device webpage, and change any settings successfully.  For example, change the volume.  This seems to show that all components other than MC seem to be working together correctly.

I've tried rebooting windows, restarting my router, unplugging the Denon.  The most reliable fix seems to be turning the Denon on when Media Center is already running.  In this case MC finds the Denon, shows the correct volume, and plays music just fine.

I'm using latest version of MC17 and Windows 7.  All assistance is welcome.


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Re: Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 09:36:03 am »

It should like there is a stale entry for the Denon in Playing now. That's why power cycling the Denon after turning on MC makes it work because the Denon upon power-up goes through the SSDP discovery process.

I'm note sure why there should be a stale one there.
Do you power off the Denon between uses?
Is it possible it's IP address is changing between uses?
You could try assigning a fixed address to the Denon (and perhaps your PC) in your router setup (usually this is a fixed DHCP allocation based n MAC address) or give the Denon a fixed address (outside of your DHCP address range) in the configuration on the Denon itself.


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Re: Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2012, 08:08:00 pm »



Is there a way I can force the stale entry to flush?  Delete the zone?

Generally leave the Denon is Standby Mode so that is stays on the Network, but everything else is off.

I'll check on the IP address changing and get back to you.

Can't find how to set a fixed address on the router (Linksys WRT54G) webpage and I don't think the Denon webpage has the ability to set address either....anyone help out here?  Thanks in advance.

Also, responding to your next post...  When issues occur, I do often see the Denon drop off the Playing Now list and then come back on.  But in this case the behavior remains the same.



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Re: Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 08:50:35 pm »

Can't find how to set a fixed address on the router (Linksys WRT54G) webpage and I don't think the Denon webpage has the ability to set address either....anyone help out here?  Thanks in advance.

It appears newer version of the WRT54G do not support static DHCP leases.  Which version/release of this hardware do you have?  See the bottom of the router for a version number.
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Re: Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 10:20:14 pm »

MrC,  thanks for help.  It's V8.  Steve


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Re: Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2012, 10:46:11 pm »

Its worse than I'd remembered.   In no models of the stock firmware in WRT54G does not support DHCP static leases.

Search Tomato firmware on Google.
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Re: Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2012, 06:55:17 pm »


Documentation says Tomato does not work for WRT54G version 5+.  Bummer.

However, maybe changing IP address is not the problem.  I can now confirm that MC becomes unresponsive even when IP address does NOT change. 
1.  Got things running last night by plugging in Denon while MC is running
2.  Quit out of MC at end of night.
3.  This evening Windows Network shows IP address of Denon has not changed
4.  Started up MC.  Denon shows in Playing Now. 
5.  Dragged some music to Denon.  MC does shows windmill for several seconds and then "There was a problem controlling the selected DLNA device." 
6.  Denon is flushed from Playing Now and reappears about 1 minute later.  But behavior is the same.
7.  Eventually "Something went wrong with playback" dialog appears.  and MC becomes completely unresponsive...can't even pull down a menu.

Ideas?  Thanks in advance for your help.


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Re: Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2012, 10:52:50 am »


It's unclear to me why you'd see that behavior if the address isn't changing.
It is the case that some renderers can get into unknown states after getting an error that can't be fixed short of a power cycle of the renderer.
However, I don't see why it'd get into that state in the first place since it looks like you are doing nothing special.

Could you do a wireshark trace of the behavior? Start the trace after the Denon reappears and stop it as soon as you get the "problem controlling.." error. Send it to bob (at) jriver (dot) com.

Here are the general instructions:



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Re: Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2012, 09:05:14 pm »

Thanks for kindly helping out.  I'll do this over the weekend when I can pull everything but the computer and Denon off the network.

Thanks again.  Steve


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Re: Problem connecting MC17 to Denon AVR-2112
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2012, 04:01:46 pm »

Hi Steve,
I looked through your files. A couple of things...

1) there is a lot of chatter in them, a capture filter under "options" limited to the MC PC and the Denon would help a lot with readability.

2) Windows Media Player is also trying to control the Denon, it looks like there might be some Apple services trying to control it too. Multiple active controllers are bad. Some devices even change their names temporarily when they are being controlled elsewhere (WD for example changes to "WDTVLIVE -- in use").

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