yes, this would be a nice feature. for tv shows, i like seeing the shows in the list view, but for the seasons submenu, i'd like it in a cover flow style because of the season cover art
You can do this now with More > Toggle List Style for each view.Nick.
hey Nick, thanks for the reply, but i dont think you understood me correctly. i want my list so that the tv shows list is a certain style, and the seasons list (when i choose a tv show) is in a different style. im always in the Seasons tab
The same goes for Genere/Movies and Artists/Albums and others as well. Some things are suited to show in different ways, so it's a shame that you can't save those view styles on different levels.
I agree. Perhaps this should be a requested feature for MC18.Nick.
I can't figure this out. How can I set all views to be List Style (rather than tiles) by default? I find it much easier to find things in a list.