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Author Topic: Question about playing now list  (Read 737 times)


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Question about playing now list
« on: April 23, 2002, 02:43:41 pm »

Again, thanks for a wonderful product!

My question is as follows:
I mostly play the whole media library in Playing now (shuffled, then sorted to my own liking). Occasionally, I want to play a song from for instance a album, or Top Hits or whatever playlist I most easy find the song I want to hear.
Now, what should I do to still have the whole media library in playing now, but playing that particulary song? The only way that I see is to locate the song in either Playing Now or Media library. If I just double-click the song (for instance 'Blood Of Eden' by 'Peter Gabriel', 'Us' album) in Album view, I get the following results depending on settings:
1. Playing now only contains the single song
2. Playing now contains the whole album, if I selected the song in Album view
3. Playing now contains the whole Media Library |PLS| duplicate of the selected song
|PLS| maybe some other scenario.

Is there a way to use for instance the double-click setting "Add to Playing now" but with the addition of removing duplicates?

Hm...does any of this make sense?



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RE:Question about playing now list
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2002, 05:45:59 am »

Go to Playing Now.
Hit Control-Q (Quick Search)
Type in a part of the song you're looking for and hit F3
Hit F3 until you find the song you're looking for.
Double Click it. It will play immediately and won't be duplicated and Playing Now won't be truncated.

I could go into more detail about the behavior you're seeing, but I'm in the middle of moving my office (The movers are hear and I'm still not packed - just goes to show how much of an addiction this place is. Next Page)


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RE:Question about playing now list
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2002, 10:34:40 am »

Yes, that's true, I can do like that. But then I miss browsing the albums, choosing a song from the playlist "Never played before" or "The ones I play all the time and never seems to get bored with" Next Page Any other suggestions? Or perhaps there SHOULD be an option to remove duplicates automatically from playing now?
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