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Author Topic: of topic- TotalRecorder  (Read 1767 times)


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of topic- TotalRecorder
« on: April 22, 2002, 02:49:11 pm »

can you use TotalRecorder as a kind of converter?
If you have wma and you want mp3 for many raisons ,to rip them to wav using TR and converting to mp3 will be fine?
Or if you are listening to a 24kps streaming mp3,can you with TR get better mp3-128 or 192?


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RE:of topic- TotalRecorder
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2002, 04:16:29 pm »

Total Recorder is at its best when used to 'capture' a stream that is configured to be unable to save as a file.  Total recorder sets itself up as a virtual soundcard, the audio is sent to it, it then sends the signal on to the real soundcard and/or to a .wav file.

Generally, you can never turn a lower quality sound file into a higher quality sound file. You can convert/record it to a higher bitrate, sample rate, but the audio quality will not improve beyond the original. You will just have a larger file of the same or lower quality.

If you need the audio of the .wma to be in .mp3 format, MJ can play the .wma, and using the Disk Writer output, will save it as a .wav. You can then encode the .wav to .mp3.  But the sound will probably be a little worse than the original .wma.


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RE:of topic- TotalRecorder
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2002, 07:53:48 am »

your answer is not a surprise.It is what i was thinking.I have TotalRecorder on my system.But allways use it  as you say.
Having my computer plug to my stereo,do you think  this way will give a result:
If i plug also the OUT from the stereo to IN  sound card-as when you want to rip vinyl or tapes- and chose input as source,wich kind of wav i will get?The same than the original,or one i will be able to convert without problem,and with a good sound?
I am not sure if i say what i mean in a proper way.The files i want to keep are 28kps streaming,you can understand i  would like to find a way to get better sound...........


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RE:of topic- TotalRecorder
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2002, 11:43:20 am »

Hey zevele10

It's just not possible to extract better original sound from a lossy compression at 28kps, no matter what tool you use

The only option you have is to use DSP/Equalizer and see if you like that sound better. This obviously does not recover any of the original sound, but in general gives you a more pleasant effect. If you do like it more than your original encode, and want to have the changes permanently recorded in the track (i.e for portable mp3 player)  that you can playback with the digital effects enabled using the disk writer option in playback and then re-encode the resulting wave file to whatever you like.



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RE:of topic- TotalRecorder
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2002, 11:45:32 am »

Can your soundcard play and record at the same time?  If so, then your plan would probably work.  But you still have the low bitrate source; 28 kps seems like the audio quality would be very low, even for just speech; I would never expect music to sound good at that low of a bitrate.  That seems like to low to even bother with.  Can you get the files from any other source at a higher bitrate?


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RE:of topic- TotalRecorder
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2002, 01:01:23 pm »

Thank you.It is really funny how you can use tools and do not understand how it works.I have TotalRecorder 2 so you can see i do not use it since only  a week.I saw it like if your plug a tape desk to "rip" music,means taking the out of the soundcard.
I just used it as you do, stream to wav ,wav to the format of the stream.Most of the time 128kps
24kps-22kzh stereo is the format of some mp3  streams,and from there i started to think how to get it better,but not understanding the program....You can listen at 24 kps to get an idea of the kind of music.On my stereo it sounds as a long waves radio station.But you are rigth ,no a quality to keep on your computer

Concerning convert Windows 65 kps to mp3
.I do not want to convert to get better sound.Just cause of tags,compatibility with players
Do you think that there is a mp3 format who will do?If yes better Windows 65=wav=mp3,or "on the fly" will be ok?
But you will answer no to all,i am afraid
I got data cds from my brother with-the idiot...-Windows 65kps on it.Look like he has to start again using mp3.......


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RE:of topic- TotalRecorder
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2002, 01:26:56 pm »

I do not want to convert to get better sound.Just cause of tags,compatibility with players
Do you think that there is a mp3 format who will do?If yes better Windows 65=wav=mp3,or "on the fly" will be ok?
But you will answer no to all,i am afraid
I got data cds from my brother with-the idiot...-Windows 65kps on it.Look like he has to start again using mp3.......

if you are not trying to improve the sound with digital effects than "Convert format" under the Tool menu it's all you need to go through the disk writer

Yup, I think you should get you brother to change his encoding habits



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RE:of topic- TotalRecorder
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2002, 01:47:18 pm »

Yes,but in this case to which rates?MP3 128KPS OR MP3 68KPS?

The very first time my brother sent me cds with mp3 on it,i got cds with realjuke box secure mp3 on it.....This time Windows 65 kps.One day i may get just 192 kps mp3,who knows?


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RE:of topic- TotalRecorder
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2002, 02:38:04 pm »

I think you should try 128 .. each further re-compression will make the sound even worst than what you started with, so you better give it some space.



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RE:of topic- TotalRecorder
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2002, 02:41:24 pm »

Thank you.I will give a try
Have a nice evening when it will be evening for you


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RE:of topic- TotalRecorder
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2002, 03:31:35 pm »

Have a nice evening when it will be evening for you

Thanks.. I'm Italian but I now live in Toronto, Canada.. Today it's a beatiful spring day (even if unbelieavably yesterday we got a surprise light dusting of snow!)  and we are getting close to sunset ... My dog, Captain Nemo, is letting me know that is now time to go for a long walk in the nearby park...

Should be 2:30 am for you, so you better get some sleep

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