I have tried MJ 8.0.254 with MS ISA Server again. It does now ask me
to login, which is good, but it still cannot negotiate authentication with
the server.
The dump of the interaction seems a little strange. Other app's send the
GET command in the same packet as the authorization info. MJ sends the GET
command in one packet immediately followed by the authentication info' in another
packet. I don't know if this is the problem or not.
Here is the dump from httptracer:
"Type" "ID1" "ID2" "Time" "Bytes" "Response Time" "Data"
"SEND" "15" "1" "12:27:03" "163" "0.010" "GET
http://www.musicex.com/mediajukebox/mj_data/WebPages/default_v8.zip HTTP/1.1"
"RECIEVE" "15" "2" "12:27:03" "1460" "0.007" "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the re"
"RECIEVE" "15" "3" "12:27:03" "1460" "0.001" "1460 bytes"
"RECIEVE" "15" "4" "12:27:03" "1311" "0.002" "1311 bytes"
"SEND" "16" "1" "12:27:03" "224" "0.006" "GET
http://www.musicex.com/mediajukebox/mj_data/WebPages/default_v8.zip HTTP/1.1"
"RECIEVE" "16" "2" "12:27:03" "479" "0.006" "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( Access is denied. )"
"SEND" "16" "3" "12:27:03" "82" "0.024" "GET
http://www.musicex.com/mediajukebox/mj_data/WebPages/default_v8.zip HTTP/1.1"
"RECIEVE" "16" "5" "12:27:03" "1460" "0.135" "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the re"
"RECIEVE" "16" "6" "12:27:03" "1460" "0.001" "1460 bytes"
"RECIEVE" "16" "7" "12:27:03" "1311" "0.002" "1311 bytes"
"SEND" "17" "1" "12:27:27" "236" "0.007" "GET
http://www.musicex.com/mediajukebox/mj_data/WebPages/default_v8.zip HTTP/1.1"
"RECIEVE" "17" "2" "12:27:27" "479" "0.007" "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( Access is denied. )"
"SEND" "17" "3" "12:27:27" "82" "0.023" "GET
http://www.musicex.com/mediajukebox/mj_data/WebPages/default_v8.zip HTTP/1.1"
"RECIEVE" "17" "5" "12:27:27" "1460" "0.133" "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the re"
"RECIEVE" "17" "6" "12:27:27" "1460" "0.001" "1460 bytes"
"RECIEVE" "17" "7" "12:27:27" "1311" "0.001" "1311 bytes"
I have purchased MJ for my home and would gladly buy another copy at the office
and recommend it to all my co-workers if you can find a solution to this problem.
Thank you.