More > Media Center 13 (Development Ended)
MC 13 Doesn't Import All the Files in a Particular Folder
I have a folder named "Oldies", and it contains 409 MP3 files. But not all of those files were included in my library. To get a fresh listing, I removed the files that were in the library by selecting them, right-clicking Delete, and selecting "Remove from Library". That worked fine.
Then I used Tools > Import folder and selected my Oldies folder. I unchecked Ignore files previously removed from library" and then clicked Import. MC13 only imported 184 of the 409 files. I can't figure out how to import the remaining files. When I try, MC just says no files were imported.
Can somebody please point me in the right direction so that my library includes all 409 files in the Oldies folder?
Make a smartlist, setting the Modify Results section to Limit database to Removed.
Are your missing files there?
Thanks for replying. As a last resort (and before your reply) I created a new library and imported all the files. Those that could not be imported into the last library did import into the new library. Not the best solution because my old library contained two custom fields and those fields were not listed in the new library. I'll post that problem separately.
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