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Author Topic: Independent startup volumes for each zone?  (Read 1869 times)


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Independent startup volumes for each zone?
« on: October 03, 2012, 07:36:24 am »


MC 18.0.51 on Win7 X64.

I have startup volume set to 10%.  This works a expected, setting the volume in each zone to the same value.

In my setup I have the PC running JR MC with two zones & two DLNA devices (one acting as a renderer, the other as a player).

I'd like to be able to set the start-up volume for each zone; specifically the DLNA player to 100% and the others to 10%

Anyone know how to do this?  If not possible please consider it this a future development request




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Re: Independent startup volumes for each zone?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2012, 08:46:14 am »

I use a batch file to start MC to do things like this.

The biggest challenge was to figure out which number is for which zone. After getting this, it works perfectly :)

First thing I do is starting MC
Code: [Select]
Then I insert a break because sometimes MC needs some more time to start up. The number "10" sets the break time in seconds.
Code: [Select]
ping -n 10 localhost > NUL
Then I chose which zone should be activated. For me it's zone "0".
Code: [Select]
MC18.exe /MCC 10011, 0
Next I asure that every volumeslider uses system volume. "2" stands for system volume, "0" is application volume, "1" is internal volume and "3" is disabled. The number behind the volume selection (always the "2" in the below example) specifies the zone to which the setting is applied.
Code: [Select]
MC18.exe /MCC 10056, 2:0
MC18.exe /MCC 10056, 2:8
MC18.exe /MCC 10056, 2:5
MC18.exe /MCC 10056, 2:4
MC18.exe /MCC 10056, 2:6
MC18.exe /MCC 10056, 2:7

Next I set the volume. The first number is the volume value followed by the zone number.
Code: [Select]
MC18.exe /MCC 10056 1056, 2:0
MC18.exe /MCC 10020, 50:0
MC18.exe /MCC 10020, 25:8
MC18.exe /MCC 10020, 25:5

After this I change back some of the volume sliders to internal for some reason:
Code: [Select]
MC18.exe /MCC 10056 1056, 1:0
Hope this helps...


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Re: Independent startup volumes for each zone?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2012, 08:52:15 am »

It isn't currently possible without using the Media Center Core Commands and would be a nice feature. I think Audio > Volume should have a default volume that you can set. This would also be used by Volume Protection to reset the volume after 30 minutes. Currently it resets the volume to 20%.

The setting in Startup > Startup Volume > Set Volume to X only works the first time JRiver runs. If Library Server is always running, closing and opening JRiver does not trigger the volume to be changed.


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Re: Independent startup volumes for each zone?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2012, 05:31:39 am »

StFeder - many thanks.
I was looking at MCWS last night & it gives the zone info

I'll be creating a batch file on the weekend to do this.  Might also try the web service as it can be done there as well

Mojave - thanks for clarifying the behaviour with the Library Server running


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