In the auto-import dialog box where we can set fields and values to auto-tag, would it be possible to allow us to modify the path rather than just the fields and values?
I ask because when you can't modify the path, you have to re-create all the rules and boy does that get tedious.
I had all my rules set to the following:
\\Alfredo\FilmDrive1\Movies\ set to Media Type: Video, Media SubType: Movie
\\Alfredo\FilmDrive1\Bonus\ set to Media Type: Video, Media SubType: Other Media Category: Bonus Features
\\Alfredo\FilmDrive1\Shorts set to Media Type: Video, Media SubType: Short
etc etc, and then repeat for \\Alfredo\Filmdrive2 and filmdrive3 etc.
So I had to create the import rules for each of these folders (there were LOTS). (By the way, it would be great if we could save the rules and just apply them rather than have to re-create the same rule for multiple directories).
Then I decided to not use the networked path but go directly to local, so I had to change all the \\Alfredo\Filmdrive1 and 2 and 3 to M:\Movies N:\Movies etc. Basically I had to delete my existing 16+ rules and re-create from scratch because I couldn't just change the path from \\Alfredo\FilmDrive1\Movies to M:\Movies