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Author Topic: Images in MC - noob questions  (Read 1903 times)


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Images in MC - noob questions
« on: November 14, 2012, 02:57:44 pm »

Oke I copied all my images to the HTPC and imported them in JRMC18. I followed the tips and tricks in this thread and for starters I think for now I got it working reasonably well.

Couple of questions:
- I have many jpg's accompanied by a raw cr2 image. I've not seen them being displayed independently, but the tooltip of an image sometimes shows the cr2 file, sometimes the jpg. How do I control which is shown primarily?

- When I edit an image, is the image physically altered or does it store the changes in the database (like Lightroom)?

- Some of my images were taken with the wrong date in the camera, but my folders have the correct date (took me ages to sort out these wrong images and place them in folders named "2012-04-18 On the Beach", for example). Can I take that date from the folder and have MC alter the EXIF date?



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Re: Images in MC - noob questions
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2012, 03:27:40 pm »

- I have many jpg's accompanied by a raw cr2 image. I've not seen them being displayed independently, but the tooltip of an image sometimes shows the cr2 file, sometimes the jpg. How do I control which is shown primarily?

We recommend stacks for this.  You stack the versions together and the program keeps the tags synchronized.

- When I edit an image, is the image physically altered or does it store the changes in the database (like Lightroom)?

The default is parametric editing, but you can also overwrite the image if you prefer.

- Some of my images were taken with the wrong date in the camera, but my folders have the correct date (took me ages to sort out these wrong images and place them in folders named "2012-04-18 On the Beach", for example). Can I take that date from the folder and have MC alter the EXIF date?

You can fill the date field in the program from the filenames, but we don't write EXIF tags (other than rotation).
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Images in MC - noob questions
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2012, 04:00:35 pm »

Thanks Matt.

I just looked around some more and turns out it didn't import most of the cr2's. The jpg/cr2's all carry the same name as a pair, as created by the camera. I would expect MC to import them both and create the stacks for me or did I do something wrong?


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Re: Images in MC - noob questions
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2012, 04:04:16 pm »

If you want stacks, you'll have to tell MC to make them.

Pick images > Right-click > Stacks > Advanced > Autostack Files by ...
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Images in MC - noob questions
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2012, 01:02:29 am »

Awesome. Learning something new every day  8).

I'll play around when I come home.



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Re: Images in MC - noob questions
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2012, 01:40:14 am »

What Matt said re. stacking. I just checked and cr2 is a supported RAW type, and as long as that's ticked, they should have imported. Not sure why they didn't.

Matt said:
You can fill the date field in the program from the filenames, but we don't write EXIF tags (other than rotation).
I really wish you would add EXIF timeshifting. I've wanted it for so long now, and as my marathon "scan our old photos to digital" task never seems to end, I keep other software installed purely for this task, also, every time the clocks change, I always forget to set the clock on my cameras and they end up an hour out for months afterwards!!

InflatableMouse, MC as an image manager really is brilliant. MC12 got some great image library improvements which basically gave us what we have today, but there's not been much love since then. The only initial drawback is the tagging. My advice is to play for while, think about what works for you because we're all different. Things like file and folder settings are bread and butter to MC, so forget about that, instead, concentrate on finding an easy workflow based around how you import your files. For example (I can only talk about my personal preferences and experience, but you never know, might help)
MC comes with stock image fields such as, but not limited to, "People", "Places" and "Events". I spent much time working with these fields, using pane tagging, which is so, so, good for image tagging, only to ditch them all in the end for a single nested keywords field. Everything I have is in that one field. I set the pane down the left, one pane, and it holds everything I need. Maximum real estate for both pane and image, minimum scrolling. The really clever part is that when you expand a keyword branch, MC attempts to keep the opened branch within the pane.

I drop all my new images into an incoming folder, weed out the rubbish, tag, caption etc. then move them to their final resting place in my pictures folders, all from within MC. You have to get a little creative with this approach, because if limited to only the new images, the keyword pane is empty as nothing is tagged, so, I make sure my incoming images working view contains all my photos as well as the new ones, but group them using a custom field that puts all the finished images in a "Tagged" group, while the new images get grouped at the top, ready for tagging. All the keywords are present in the pane so just select the image(s) and tick the boxes.

I've thought about this recently, because for Theater View usage mostly, having gotten all of this info into the keywords field, I now find myself wanting to extract data from there to use in theater view views. MrC helped out with some RegEx stuff that lifts my image ratings out of keywords into a field I called Score, People into a field I called Population, Places into a field I called Location... I'm sure you can see where I'm going here...
The question being, is it really worth the legwork when I could just use the default MC fields and be done with it? I've decided the answer is yes. Tagging in a single nested field so simple and so quick, once all of these things are set, MC then takes care of them and they require zero maintenance. I'm happy, my girls are happy too because they get the Theater View views they asked for.

I have some playlists in Theater View that do picture slideshows to music, and they are so good.

Finally, and probably most importantly, you have to try it for a while, find a work flow that suits, give it a chance, and then commit to it or ditch it. Before moving our photos to MC full time I tried so many different applications, all of them, without exception, promised to make image management like magic... so simple, intuitive interface that gives you exactly what you need where and when you need it, and so on and so on... I gave them all a fair trial, eventually running the Adobe's Elements as MC just didn't cut it back in the v9.1 - v10 days. When stacks came along I examined them closely as I used them extensively in Elements, found them to be solid in MC, made the switch and have never looked back. The amount of time now invested in my MC image library along with the neat things it can do, mean I won't consider an alternative any time in the future unless J River drop the ball in some cataclysmic way or other, which is highly unlikely.

We need more people entrusting their images to MC... perhaps we can then start a "Photophile" lobby for some new features, these audio and video nuts have had enough dev time over the past years already :P :D


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Re: Images in MC - noob questions
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2012, 01:45:26 am »

Do you know that stacks don't move as a single entity if you do a "rename move and copy" on the top, visible image?

The top moves, the rest of the stack stays where it is, the stack remains intact.

To move the lot, you need to expand the stack, select all members and perform the operation, then collapse stack again. I have a nice stack management view here, give me a shout when you're ready for it and I'll post it for you. It takes away all of that above and allows to work on the whole stack without expanding it.

Remember too, that if your view is limited to say, jpg files, and the expanded stack contains cr2 files, the stack will expand, but you won't see the cr2's because of the jpg filter...


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Re: Images in MC - noob questions
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2012, 02:56:53 am »

Thanks a bunch marko, I'll be playing with it tonight when I get home.

I don't think I'm going to use many panes like with audio or video, so yesterday I placed 1 pane on th left vertically, showing my photo albums as you suggested in pcstockton's thread about organising. I have no idea what else I would want with regards to organising/browsing, I'll play around.

I need to see why I don't see most of my cr2 files (maybe it simply wasn't selected but I think the entire image tree was selected at the top) and then Il'l go through your other suggestions.

Offtopic, I've often wished the General part of the forums would have a more specific topic driven layout.


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Re: Images in MC - noob questions
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2012, 02:55:26 pm »

The cr2's have been imported but I didn't realize MC is sorting them on type first then name. So the cr2's come after the jpgs.

I've created some stacks and meddled around but Im just very tired and Im not really in the mood tonight so it'll have to wait until the weekend.

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