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Author Topic: Migrate to JRiver from Media Monkey  (Read 2752 times)


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Migrate to JRiver from Media Monkey
« on: December 15, 2012, 04:28:16 pm »

Based on recommendations of a number of audiophiles, I am evaluating MediaCenter. I have a large number of ripped CDs (flac format) in MediaMonkey. I searched for help / wiki info on such a migration and found very little. So I would like to know:

- Is there a how-to guide somewhere to Migrate to JRiver from Media Monkey?

- Any tool or feature to import the Media Monkey database itself?

- More generic tips on importing from an existing audio file library structure?

Thanks for your help,



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Re: Migrate to JRiver from Media Monkey
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2012, 05:05:16 pm »


MC should import the music files just fine.  It will read the file tags, and use that as the basis for showing music in views.  So long as the FLAC files are correctly tagged, MC's default views should be fine.  If you find that some albums appear split, this is easily addressed.

If the tags are not accurate or non-existent, MC can use the file structure should it contain Album and Artist data.

You can have MC auto-import (Tools > Import ... > Configure Auto-import) by pointing it to a directory where you files are located.

Give it a shot.
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