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Author Topic: To JimH: the remaining IDE DVD-ROM/ CD-Burner bug  (Read 1213 times)


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To JimH: the remaining IDE DVD-ROM/ CD-Burner bug
« on: April 14, 2002, 09:11:21 am »

I do another try to solve the conflict some times rosed up in past threads:
DVD-Rom and CD-Burner devices are connected as master/slave at one IDE controller. As you know, MJ cannot access this configuration neither for burning nor playing CDīs ('file not found' error).
The workaround to disperse the devices to the two IDE controllers does not work for me, because the first controller is a faster one, dedicated to my two hard disks.
Since competitive software can handle this config, why canīt MJ?

When I reported the error first time, I run MJ7. You suggested to upgrade to MJ8, but the error remained in MJ8.
Thatīs why I addressed directly to you. I have grown up with the MJ versions growing up. If the bug remains I have to decide to drop my DVD drive or my computer (or MJ). Since a few monthīs my computer is an open fame, prepared to switch the cd devices for MJ use.

Jim, I have made some more words, because I have realized discussing this bug some times in the past, but no one at JRiver said 'yes, weīll fix' or 'no, donīt wait'.
Please do give an answer.


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RE:To JimH: the remaining IDE DVD-ROM/ CD-Burner bug
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2002, 07:43:32 pm »

I dont know if this will help but here goes, I ran out of IDE slots with the number of drives on my syst so I went out and bought a seperate IDE controller that fits into a PCI slot and expands the IDE slots to 2 extra, now I have 4 IDE slots and it seems that the add on controller seems to work better for me in this regards with CD Rom alone on one slot and CDRW on the other and allows me do do a disk on the fly this way much easier.

Robert Long


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RE:To JimH: the remaining IDE DVD-ROM/ CD-Burner bug
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2002, 07:50:04 pm »

Sorry to rain on the parade here, but I have a DVD-ROM and a CD burner connected as master/slave on the same IDE cable, and I've never had a problem such as the one you describe.


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RE:To JimH: the remaining IDE DVD-ROM/ CD-Burner bug
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2002, 07:25:42 am »

which device models do you use? I have an AOpen DVD-1640PRO and Mitsumi CDWxxxx (sh... the writer is currently plugged out, how explained before), the Mitsumi is a burner only, no Rewriter.

I feel pretty disappointed because there comes no one statement from JRiver, neither now nor in the past. Maybe I should give some suggestions to check a box:

O - we have recognized the issue, it is scheduled to fix
O - we plan to fix in MJ9
O - we had considered fixing and cancelled because no quick solution found ahead
O - your hardware composition is extraordinary exotically on this planet and thus not supported

I appreciate any selection (first one preferred).

By the way: this language is not my primary, so please forgive me if I seem to offend with my phrases. My intention is most kindly.


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RE:To JimH: the remaining IDE DVD-ROM/ CD-Burner bug
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2002, 08:38:34 am »

We aren't capable of answering questions on specific hardware.  If the FAQ and the many other threads on this subject don't answer your question, I'm sorry, but I can't answer it either.

I suggest re-reading other messages to find clues.

The wide variety of CD writers, the rate at which they are introduced, and the lack of standards makes this area a problem for both developers and users.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:To JimH: the remaining IDE DVD-ROM/ CD-Burner bug
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2002, 10:17:24 am »

I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to duplicate this problem here. I have a couple systems with a setup similar to yours (hard disk on primary ide, cdwriter on secondary ide master, cdrom on secondary ide slave) and don't have problems ripping or burning (have tried win98/me/xp).
If you email me at, I'll send a couple diagnostic programs which might help shed light on the problem.

John T.
JRiver, Inc.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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RE:To JimH: the remaining IDE DVD-ROM/ CD-Burner bug
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2002, 07:42:15 am »

I am happy again! Just changed the burner model, seems to run. The regarding threads in the past pretended a basical problem with IDE-master/slave, so I hadnīt assumed a device model dependency.
Here is my data, maybe it can prevent others from this failure:
AOpen DVD-1640PRO (CD/DVD IDE-master)
MITSUMI CR-4801TE (burner IDE-slave) DOESNīT WORK
MITSUMI CR-4802TE (burner IDE-slave) WORKS!

Thanks all!
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