I've been a WMC / MyMovies user for years, and I'm thinking of moving to MC18. I have a couple of quick questions before I buy:
1.) All of my DVD/BD discs are owned, but I have stored them in online folders for convenience (have LOTS of storage). I was using TMT to play the discs, but (a) it was always buggy, and (b) they just implemented Cinevia, which is preventing me from playing copies of discs that I have purchased, thereby making the whole system fairly useless. Does MC18 implement/have any plan to implement Cinevia?
2.) Many of my DVD/BD sets have multiple discs. How do you set up MC18 (like MyMovies) so that there is one tile in the theater view for a given movie, and then have the ability to select from among multiple discs once you have selected the overall movie tile?
Thanks! And, apologies if I missed this information in the forum/Wiki. I've spent a couple of hours looking, at least for the multi-disc answer, but I have not found what I'm looking for.