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Author Topic: Request: allow Views/Smarlists to specify Jump On Play view  (Read 946 times)


  • MC Beta Team
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Request: allow Views/Smarlists to specify Jump On Play view
« on: December 23, 2012, 08:08:09 am »

I use a custom Track Info screen for my Playing Now screen.  As my library diversifies I find the single Track Info screen doesn't satisfy all my information requirements.  I can create multiple custom Track Info screens but there is no automatic way to select which is appropriate for what I'm doing with the library at any specific time.

What I'd like is the ability to specify which display (whether visualisation, trackinfo, or even none, ie staying on the current screen) to use as part of the view/smartlist rules.  If a rule was present it would override the default rule currently set in Options->General

Which would allow us to continue to use the default rule as normal, but for any views/smartlists where something else is needed the rule would force MC to use the alternative output.

This would allow us to really start tailoring our MC experience to specific requirements rather than being forced to use the same generic screens for all media...

The chosen display would remain the new Playing Now default until another playlist/view was used.  And if that view had no rule then the display should revert to the Options->General default.  Which probably means a new option under Options->Tree & View(?) would be needed to specify the default Now Playing view.

In fact it'd also be great if we could control more of the view this way too, so for instance we could specify a preset for the filelist... this would allow custom filelist to be displayed, depending on what was being played.

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