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Author Topic: Weird Recurring Minor Glitch with Red October HQ  (Read 1231 times)


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Weird Recurring Minor Glitch with Red October HQ
« on: January 12, 2013, 10:44:07 pm »

So I posted about an issue a few weeks ago with Red October HQ giving me an error that read "Creating Direct3d Device Failed (8876086c)" anytime I tried to play a Blu Ray (but not with any other media).  I took a number of troubleshooting steps, and ultimately a reinstall of JRiver resolved the problem and Blu Rays have been working fine for the intervening weeks.

Now the problem has recurred but only in one zone.  I set up three zones, one for my main audio, one for my headphones, and one for movies each with very slightly different settings.  I had turned off zoneswitch briefly and inadvertently tried to play a blu ray in the audio zone, and I got the exact same Creating Direct3d Device Failed error.  I then tried to play the same blu ray in the movie zone, and it worked perfectly.  Likewise in my Headphone Zone.

I tried closing media center and reopening it, rebooting, and even reinstalling media center and it exhibits the exact same behavior every time I try to play a blu ray.  I carefully checked all of the video settings in both zones and they are identical.  I even altered the audio settings to temporarily make them identical and I still get the same error.  I tried different MadVR setting combinations (full screen exclusive, overlay, etc.) with no change.  

As with my issue last time, switching to Red October standard fixes Blu Ray playback, but unlike last time (where it failed to play in all zones) it seems to be zone dependent this time around.

Obviously this isn't mission critical as I currently have functioning Red October HQ Blu Ray playback in my other zones, but does anyone have any idea what setting or combinations of settings might be causing this?  Anyone else having this issue?
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