In several other threads it was stated that if we only had one request for changes in a particular area it my be looked at for implementation. So here is my one: "Cover Flow". I've had several other people I've tried to get to switch to MC. No matter how superior the other features they always complain about Theater View not being "sexy" enough. Every time I ask for an example the person always seems to show me some kind of "Cover Flow" in another program. That's it. That one feature is enough to make them not switch. Many want their eye candy, and with all the effort in setting up my hardware and library, it would be nice to have them appreciate it as much as I do...
Truth is I think Theater View looks great, but without Cover Flow it doesn't quite knock any socks off. Close but not quite. Here are some examples from a nameless other program:
Some of the key things that would be nice in the implementation:
- it would be good if you could change what information appears and how it is displayed on the screen with the currently selected cover. I think this might need to be done in the skin as opposed to a setting in the UI as formatting is key to how much information you can have and how good it will look. This would include the location of the title etc. Sometimes it looks good with the other information and in some it is better separated.
- It might be nice to have the skin pick from a few ways to "indicate" the current selection. For example "slide up slightly", grow, combine with other image (to simulate opening cover etc).
- The placement and size of the covers etc should be settable from the skin.
I know it is a big request, but that is my dream. Finger navigation would work well to as it is ONLY left or right. No up or down to worry about.