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Author Topic: How to get the best audio  (Read 3042 times)


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How to get the best audio
« on: January 16, 2013, 11:16:26 am »

Since I started using MC18 I really like it. There are many options in the audio configuration. It has been difficult for me to determine what is the best option for me.

 I read that asio is the best but I lose the use of the volume on either the player or the xonar control. I’m using 5.1 analog ins on my Bryston 1.7 pre/pro. I figured out how to get a back channel accurately by running the back ch output strait to the power amp. I set the Bryston volume to 12:00 and balanced may channels within the Xonar control panel. So as long as the 1.7 is on 12:00 I can use the volume on the player everything is balanced correctly.

badou suggested I try Kernel Streaming and I did it works very good, so I will likely leave it here. Actually they all sounded good or at least it has been hard for me to tell the difference.

The other thing I have been wondering how does this player deal with DTHD and DTSMA? My sound card Asus xonar hdav 1.3 deluxe is said to decode both and send the unmolested audio signal to the analog outs. It has always depended on the player software to not down sample to 16bit/48khz. PDVD 11 does not and TMT 5 does.

It is my belief that MC18 does not D/S but I suspect any audio decoding is done by 3rd party software like ffdshow or ac3filter.

Using my ear as a judge what ever MC18 uses is about as good as it can get. I would just like some clarification on the process.


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2013, 01:24:44 pm »

LAV filters are used for decoding the lossless formats (dtsdecoder.dll from Arcsoft needs to be installed for dts-hd ma).
There should be no downsampling as long as you are using an exclusive mode.


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2013, 02:05:23 pm »

As regards volume, generally you want to use the volume on your analog pre-amp, for best sound quality.  All digital volumes should then be 100%.

If you need to use a digital volume, then you should use the JRiver internal volume, since it is done using 64-bit.  Again, all other digital volume should be full 100%.

If you go to SEARCH in the menus for the Forum, enter "volume" and then advanced, you will find a checkbox to check to just search in titles, and that will give you all the threads about volume.  I believe there is also an entry in the Wiki.


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2013, 02:45:22 pm »

It seems odd that using ASIO that Internal volume doesn't work for you. I'm not familiar with the Xonar card or control panel, but perhaps someone else could help you with that. It sounds like you have a similar configuration that many of us here use, ie, analog outs from the sound card. I use MC's Internal Volume, and believe that with the 64 bit math that there is no loss in SQ from it.

I also believe that Kernel Streaming is the least desirable choice re SQ and would suggest that you pursue trying to use ASIO or WASAPI Event.

Wish I could help you more, but good luck.



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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2013, 03:41:21 pm »

LAV filters are used for decoding the lossless formats (dtsdecoder.dll from Arcsoft needs to be installed for dts-hd ma).
There should be no downsampling as long as you are using an exclusive mode.

I have TMT5 does that automatically give me dtsdecoder.dll ? I'm not sure if I'm using an exclusive mode.

I tested asio again and prior I don't think I was using internal volume with the loudness checked. Now the player volume works but as before the Xonar volume doesn't. Weird my channels are whacked. I'm rebooting to see

will pose results


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2013, 04:33:43 pm »

I'm still waiting for MC18 to close on the HTPC. I tried to take a screen shot showing how now with asio it down samples the audio to 16bits. Also as I posted the audio is not right. The center is more like a left or right.

It just closed and when I tried to reopen MC18 it informed me that it shutdown incorrectly and I should uninstall and reinstall the latest version.  I did that when I installed 112 and it turned out to be a pain. I had to go through the process of switching my main monitors so MC18 could see that my Theater monitor is capable of doing 24hz and set it appropriately in the display settings. Then switch it back and MC18 retains the setting but I can not make changes without have to switch monitors again.

I got my screenshots wasapi will not work but event style will and it down samples from 32 to 24. This normal I believe. Also someone may have tried to answer this a couple of weeks ago but Why are most movies 32bit? I know that most are 24/48. Some like pirates of the Caribbean comes up as 24bit. Is that why is says there are not enough bits to output directly?


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2013, 05:10:11 pm »

LAV filters are used for decoding the lossless formats (dtsdecoder.dll from Arcsoft needs to be installed for dts-hd ma).
There should be no downsampling as long as you are using an exclusive mode.

is this what you meant by exclusive?


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2013, 06:28:54 pm »

LAV filters are used for decoding the lossless formats (dtsdecoder.dll from Arcsoft needs to be installed for dts-hd ma).
There should be no downsampling as long as you are using an exclusive mode.

should I have to install a full copy of  arcsoft TotalMedia Theatre ?
or just copy dtsdecoder.dll from another PC is fine


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2013, 06:57:41 pm »

I just went into the arcsoft tmt5 folder and copied the dtsdecoder.dll file and pasted it in the MC18 folder now all my DTSMA sources correctly. The only thing I still unclear about is how the madvr says it's 1536 kbps
and a pcm displays the full bit as expected. ?

If you look at the screenshot I posted earlier you will see Hugo was decoded as a DTS 32bit 6 ch


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2013, 09:37:52 pm »

is this what you meant by exclusive?

Yes that's perfect I think.


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2013, 09:39:00 pm »

should I have to install a full copy of  arcsoft TotalMedia Theatre ?
or just copy dtsdecoder.dll from another PC is fine

How you get it doesn't matter for functionality. Some people have even installed the trial version, kept the dll file and uninstaled the trial. Others are more scrupulous.


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2013, 09:44:22 pm »

I just went into the arcsoft tmt5 folder and copied the dtsdecoder.dll file and pasted it in the MC18 folder now all my DTSMA sources correctly. The only thing I still unclear about is how the madvr says it's 1536 kbps
and a pcm displays the full bit as expected. ?

If you look at the screenshot I posted earlier you will see Hugo was decoded as a DTS 32bit 6 ch

That's normal, and has been a cause for concern before. Since DTS-HD MA has no fixed bitrate, some players including MC look to the plain DTS core to read that information. To satisfy yourself that you are getting the full lossless you can try it with any file you have that is 7.1 channels. DTS core cannot produce 7.1 channels, so if MadVR is telling you you are playing 7.1, then you should rest assured all is well. Another way to do it is to play a BD rip with multiple audio tracks, including DTS-HD MA. During playback press the up or down cursor keys until you come to an OSD screen that offers you the choice of the soundtracks. There you can see what's available and what you are playing.


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2013, 10:06:36 pm »

Thanks fitbrit, so I should always expect 1536 for a dtsma source. Hugo is a 7.1 and madvr did show 8 channels.

Loading the dts decoder was an important step, thanks for the tip.


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2013, 12:00:56 am »

actally if you look at the screenshots in post 8 you can see madvr says it's  5.1 audio and the one above says it's 8 channels. What do you make of that? Is there a correct way or place to install the dts file?


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2013, 12:24:12 am »

If MadVR is reading 1536 kbps, it's reading the DTS core. What's most accurate is the picture above that is actually telling you what's going into and out of MC.


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2013, 12:32:57 am »

From another thread...
These are the places to keep dtsdecoderdll.dll:

Quote from: jmone
EDIT: The good news is MC now tells you if you are decoding from DTS-HD MA or just the core.

I too keep my DLL in the SysWow64 folder on Win64 Installs or the System32 Folder on Window 32 Bit Installs.


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2013, 08:11:11 am »

I put it there seems like a good place. It worked the same as when it was in the MC18 folder. The madvr is still showing 5.1 1536 for dtsma sources. The MC18 pull down shows it correctly as before. This is normal.


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Re: How to get the best audio
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2013, 12:49:22 pm »

A couple more questions

As I have it shown in post 6 the way I set windows audio to 24/48. and not 24/96. I have 2 movies that have 96khz audio so does this actually down sample to 48? I do have many 24/96 audio files. Does it have any bearing on audio programs like sound forge? Is there any reason I should not set it to 24/96? I’m sure I have more processing power than required to run 24/96 it’s just I’d rather not up convert 48 to 96 within windows before passing it to analog outs.

Also since I inserted the dtsdecoder.dll  file all DTHD and DTSMA movies are in and out in 24bit. From what I could tell from testing only a few reg dvd dts movies, they are also 24in 24 out. AC3 on the other hand all seem to be 32bit in 24 out. Most all of my movies are in DD 448 format so they will be seen as 32bit in. Do I want to set the Bitdepth to 24 (with dithering)?

When I tried ASIO they were all 24/32in 16 out. I’m not sure why that is happening. Not to mention the channels were wrong. WASAPI Event seems to work well.

So I concluded WASAPI Event with internal volume with loudness engaged while keeping the xonar volume at 100% at this time seems like the best way to go.
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