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Author Topic: Copying my set of Audio library views to the built in DLNA/Webgizmo servers  (Read 1300 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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I spend quite some time setting up my own list of audio library views to work the way I want to browse my music. Great flexibility and functionality in the player making this possible!

I have two copies of MC running in my house. One on my desktop and one in the living room HTPC. The one on the HTPC does double duty as living room music player and also as a DLNA and Gizmo server for headphone listening on Squeezebox players around the house, tablets and laptops.

Every time I've tweaked some new music browsing library view to my liking I copy the complete audio library views (and all other settings) by doing a full library backup on my desktop and then do a full restore from the resulting zip file on my HTPC. So far so good.

The issue I'd love to see more user friendly is copying my set of library views to the players own DLNA server settings and Webgizmo settings. Today I have to remember what library views are updated or new and then manually add them one by one, first in the DLNA server settings and then again in the Webgizmo settings. There is a "Reset!" button under both DLNA and Webgizmo settings to set all library views back to as on a virgin install. I wish that button (or another one called "copy current player views") to copy the players list of views to the server views so they are identically set up.

If this can be done by copying a bunch of windows registry keys or copying some settings files I'd love to know more about it as a secondary solution.



  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 380

...I'd love to see more user friendly is copying my set of library views to the players own DLNA server settings and Webgizmo settings...

Is it only me changing my views and also using DLNA and/or WebGizmo?

 :P ;D


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No, you're not the only one! I use Theater View, DLNA and JRemote (Gizmo views) and very rarely actually use Standard view to browse and play.  So every time I make a change, the easiest way to do it is to do it in Standard view then go into Theater View, DLNA and Gizmo individually and then copy the view from Standard view. At least I don't have to manually set things up in each area.

A more unified approach has been asked for many times, but I think the response has been that the different areas are intended for different devices and more often than not Standard views won't work the same on other devices. But I don't understand why that is so, in my experience I want an exact copy of thee views in all areas, regardless of what devices are used to browse them.

I think a better way would be one single library of views and then, in each area, build a browsing structure consisting of items from the central library.  The link would be maintained so that if a view is changed in the central library it also changes automatically in all the areas that it has been used.  If you need a custom view for one area only then that is still possible - set it up in the central library and then simply don't use it in the areas that you don't want to use it in! I think opponents of a central library think that the library would force the menus to be exactly the same, in all areas, giving you no choice to have different menu structures for each area. That is not so. It is just a place to store your building blocks with which to build individual/custom menus in each area.


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 380

It's great that they can be set up separately for anyone wanting different setups. But the option to either have them identical automatically or a manual "copy whole setup" button would help a lot!!!!
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