This has nothing to do with your issue, but, it is something I noticed in your Screenshots.
Your Sort Order for that view is all crazy and nonsensical...
The [Track #] part is first, which means that [Artist], [Album Artist], [Album] and the rest will never be used because all tracks have (or should have) a Track Number, so it'll "trip" on that field first.
You want the most specific items at the bottom of the sort order list, and the least-specific items at the "top". That way, it'll "group" and sort all the Artists together, and then
within them the Albums, and then within them the Discs and so on and so forth.
Also, you don't want both [Artist] and [Album Artist (auto)] in the list, as they disagree sometimes but one is a super-set of the other (that's put technically wrong, but whatever).
In any case, nothing to do with the issue (I don't think, unless the sorting of the tiles above is similarly weirdo), but something you should look at.