No, I don't mean the manual gain or preamp gain. I'm talking about the averaged value as default. The 6db manual adjustment would be fine to be used in my case, but if one set the mp3gain reference to e.g 95db, this means a difference of 12db between mp3gain encoded files and replay gain encoded files (just an example, they may clip). In case of a variable default for non replay gain files one can set this to -12db, reagrdless the setting of manual gain or preamp gain.
To my understanding, the output would then be:
--> for a replay gain file: 83db |PLS| |manual Adj| |PLS| |preamp gain| |PLS| |replay gain|;
--> for a mp3gain encoded file: 95db |PLS| |manual Adj| |PLS| |preamp gain| |PLS| (-12db). This should result in some equal sound level.
The averaged value could result in totaly different levels (based on the files played before)