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Author Topic: GCDJ For Windows Phone 8  (Read 4210 times)


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GCDJ For Windows Phone 8
« on: May 02, 2013, 08:17:32 am »

I've been using J River since MediaJukebox 6 I think, so I'm very vested in my library ! So I thought I'd take this chance to mention the Windows Phone 8 App which I've developed to provide a UPnP control point. So far it's just Music control on your LAN. Since the approach is universal for any Server or Renderer, it doesn't yet avail itself of all the feature J River has in it's API ( that will follow ;-), but it does provide Browse, Search and a phone local playlist to control playback from any UPnP Server to any UPnP Renderer on your LAN. I don't do android or iOS and felt we Windows Phone 8 folks needed some remote control attention, so I did it myself. If you want to see what it looks like, I do have a walkthough you can look at.


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Re: GCDJ For Windows Phone 8
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 06:34:23 pm »

I bought nMedium and hope the development will continue. It's a nice looking, well working app. But I'm missing client playback and Volume Control doesn't work in Germany (because we use a period "." as thousands separators) :(

I have to admit, I didn't read your whole post at your site. The screenshots don't look as if I could get it work without consulting the help section ;) But as it is not already at the store I guess there is still some work to do?!

Anyway: I'm very, VERY happy to see another WindowsPhone App for MC out there. I hope there will be a full featured (perhaps nice looking 8)) App some day, offering playback on the phone (client) and the PC (server). I definitely will buy yours if it'll offer both! And I also will if you don't have both but have a nice Interface!

Let us know when there is something to play with :)


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Re: GCDJ For Windows Phone 8
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 06:49:34 pm »

Ok, I red it now :) It's not for MC, it's for all kind of DLNA servers, right? Does it work nicely with MC?

You describe something like "After a song has been played it changes to red". MC doesn't offer this kind of function. Will your App offer this, or will it just mark all songs above the playing one as played?


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Re: GCDJ For Windows Phone 8
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2013, 09:54:37 am »

The App did just arrive at the Store. There is a trial version. Playback on the phone is planned for version 2 because then I want to be able to BlueTooth to speakers, such as when you are on the back porch, can connect to the Server but don't want to blast the music from inside.  First however after the RT version ( in a couple weeks ) I'll return to add Image control 1.1 and Video control 1.2. It is a bit weird trying to fit an interface into a little bitty phone screen. I put the walk through on the web site so I could take lots of time explaining it and not use a bunch of memory in the app to effect your phone storage.


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Re: GCDJ For Windows Phone 8
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2013, 09:59:23 am »

Yes, the app is for all UPnP and DLNA applications, so it's oriented around that least common denominator ability set.  As I was talking before on versions. A version 3.0 will be fore JR MC specifically, and take advantage of the additional features provided by the API.  As for working well with JR MC? Of course ! That's really the only MC I use for way over 10 years ! If you've read about UPnP there are all kinds of limitations compared to what we are used to on JR. 


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Re: GCDJ For Windows Phone 8
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2013, 10:13:57 am »

Sorry if the questions are dump, bit I'm new to the world of Windows Phone. What are the limitations of the trial? Will I have to pay again for version 1.2 or version 2?


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Re: GCDJ For Windows Phone 8
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2013, 02:31:01 pm »

The trial period is 2 weeks. Uses the standard trial software so every couple uses, it reminds you. The only limitations are that search results limit to 200 songs. The PlayingNow Playlist limits the number of songs to 15. ALL other functionalities are complete.  Anyone buying the program gets ALL version upgrades to GCDJ (UPnP). Since UPnP non JR users will NOT want it do go to exclusive JR, that would be GCDJ JR app. But that will only be a couple bucks or so anyway ;-) I won't make it to that one for a while anyway. Want to refine this one to full Image, video, local rendering and bluetooth speaker connection.
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