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Author Topic: Quick query about getting cover art written into files  (Read 1456 times)


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Quick query about getting cover art written into files
« on: May 08, 2013, 08:30:25 am »

So this is probably a really dumb question, but it's been bugging me.  So I thought I had successfully configured JRiver (currently running 18.178) to write cover art into my music files (all MP3s and FLACs), and JRiver displays cover art for all of my files.  I rip a lot of CDs, and sometimes the CD lookup finds art for the album, and sometimes I have to search for it manually (outside of JRiver).  I recently synced a number of albums to an external harddrive, but the cover art didn't follow all of the files.  Albums that had gotten their art from the CD lookup feature were all missing art, whereas albums that I had pulled the art from the internet manually (copy and paste from clipboard) all had their art.  There seemed to be no differences based on file type (some MP3s had art, some didn't, likewise with FLACs)

So some art is being written into the files, but I clearly missed a configuration step somewhere.  I tried searching in the options, and reading the cover art wiki, but for the life of me I can't find a toggle related to writing cover art into files that I didn't already turn on (save cover art in tags when possible is checked, etc.).  So I have two questions:

1) Does anyone know of an easy way to have JRiver go through my entire library and write the cover art into the files?  All the albums have art, I just want to make sure it's written into the files.  Alternatively, is there an expression that would only show files that don't have cover art embedded in the file (for smartlist purposes)?

2) Does anyone know of a specific configuration toggle that would produce the kind of results I'm describing (cover art written into files when pasted manually, but not from automated internet lookup)?  I'd like to prevent this from happening in the future, but I can't seem to find a toggle that would address this.


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Re: Quick query about getting cover art written into files
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 09:04:45 am »

I've noticed similar behavior, but not as clear as you're describing that found art during ripping doesn't have its art saved in the file and when you add it yourself it does save it properly.

Either way, you can create a smartlist or view with

Code: [Select]
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Image File]=[Inside File]

I use that to find the files that are missing art after I've ripped or imported new files.

I think an update tags from library should take care of it if MC is showing the cover art. I'm not sure because I can't test it at the moment but it's easy to check.


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Re: Quick query about getting cover art written into files
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 04:58:43 pm »

I've noticed similar behavior, but not as clear as you're describing that found art during ripping doesn't have its art saved in the file and when you add it yourself it does save it properly.

Either way, you can create a smartlist or view with

Code: [Select]
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Image File]=[Inside File]

I use that to find the files that are missing art after I've ripped or imported new files.

I think an update tags from library should take care of it if MC is showing the cover art. I'm not sure because I can't test it at the moment but it's easy to check.

Thanks a million!  That smart list expression was exactly what I needed.  Now I have to go through and write all the tags in batches  :)
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