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Sidecar Files & Particles

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--- Quote from: nevcairiel on May 23, 2013, 09:59:54 am ---Yeah, the endless .jpg files next to every tv episode kinda bug me. :P

--- End quote ---

Me too, especially with the sidecar files.  I have to wade thru 3 files for every media file.  It was discussed somewhat passionately some time back, and Matt said that keeping them with the actual video files made it easier to prevent duplicating names, but I'm sure a 'duplicate' folder structure that started in a custom location would resolve that issue, or a clever naming convention would probably work too.

Here's to hoping! :)

Apologies for the hijack Nathan, didn't mean for this to go off track.

No probs there are a few things that need addressing but...  I thought I'd try requesting one thing at a time (instead of my usual summary of Particle things to fix).  ;D

It MC supported pushing the info into a sidecar file it would help solve the issue of creating them for others or using YADB to hold the info.  For example, as I've tagged up my Eagles Music Video by track, I could do a Update Tags from Library to push the data into the Sidecar file and just post it online or send to Matt who then would not have to create this from scratch for the disc I sent him.


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