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Author Topic: Blu-ray OK, DVD not so much  (Read 1379 times)


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Blu-ray OK, DVD not so much
« on: May 29, 2013, 01:52:05 pm »

I am a new user of MC. I think I must have a fundamental problem with my configuration and I'm looking for a systematic way to diagnose it.

My Blu-ray MKVs work perfectly but my DVD MKVs have abundant, near-continual stutter. Audio is fine for each.

These results are consistent across a collection of files which work with XBMC and on a WD TV Live. I've tried MC on two different W7 machines (NVidia 9400 and Intel HD4000) with identical results.

So far, I've "hunted and pecked" through the wiki and forum, trying various suggestions until I reached a point where I un- and re-installed the product.

I can provide more detail but this seems like it must be so obvious that I'm hoping this will be enough to get a response.

Is there a video troubleshooting tutorial anywhere? Or, does someone have advice for reducing the problem and trying to track it down in an orderly way?



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Re: Blu-ray OK, DVD not so much
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2013, 01:56:06 pm »


Two things to try:
1) Select 'Red October Standard' in Options > Video
2) Reduce the amount of primary buffering in Options > Audio > Output mode settings (try 50ms or less)

Let us know if either helps.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Blu-ray OK, DVD not so much
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2013, 04:59:40 pm »

Thanks for your quick response.

RE: 2) Reduce the amount of primary buffering in Options > Audio > Output mode settings (try 50ms or less)

This may make some difference -- the stuttering (if that's the right term) seems lessened. However, it's still there. I've only done a small sampling but it's almost as if in 'busier' scenes (crowds running) it can't keep up while in quieter scenes (conversation) everything seems smooth.


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Re: Blu-ray OK, DVD not so much
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2013, 05:18:54 pm »

Just a guess here, but the DVD's are doing a lot more upscaling than the Blu Ray's, so maybe your video card just isn't 'strong' enough to do the level of upscaling with the quality you're trying.

I'm not sure what options you have to modify the quality with Red October Standard, but with Red October High Quality, you can tweak some of the upscaling options in MadVR.

Matt, or another smarter member can probably provide better help.
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Re: Blu-ray OK, DVD not so much
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2013, 06:45:25 pm »

I've seen the exact same thing here.  Running the exact same video as a direct DVD rip as opposed to MKV works fine, but DVD in MVK is horrible and unwatchable.  It really does seem to be machine dependent for me, since on one system it is acceptable (but still not great) and on another it is unwatchable.  Been that way since RO was introduced, and I will occasional bring it back up in the forums to no avail.  Since I can live with direct rips (not ideal since I am stuck with forced ads and menus), I have pretty much just given up using MKV for DVD content for everything but TV shows.


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Re: Blu-ray OK, DVD not so much
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2013, 07:52:18 pm »

Thanks to everyone for their contributions. I'm learning more as we go along.

I have now installed MC on Win7 in Bootcamp on my MacBook Air. This is an i5 with Intel HD 4000 graphics. On this platform, DVD MKVs play smoothly with both Red October Standard and Red October HQ. Two differences I notice:

1. The Air's resolution is 1440x900. If upscaling is an issue, this environment could lessen the problem.
2. Under ROHQ on the Air, DirectShowFilters show that madVR is being used. In my other environments, it is not (Enhanced Video Renderer is used instead).

The Air environment seems to be very similar to one of my environments that isn't working -- an i7 with Intel HD 4000 graphics. How can I investigate the differences? Why isn't madVR used on the i7 machine?
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