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Author Topic: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..  (Read 3214 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« on: June 07, 2013, 06:02:26 am »


I want use left/right keys from keyboard for search in the timeline of mp3 files during the play. Where is the option for change the keys asignation ?

Thank you!


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2013, 07:03:49 am »

and this one, Reorganize Standard Keyboard Shortcuts......


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2013, 07:33:49 am »

thank you for the links.

Well, I'm not a programmer. But I try it.

I only want this assignation:

left key => rewind
right key => fast forward

If I look in the link that you say I see this:

keys: Ctrl + Left Arrow
enum: 10009
parameter: int nRate

fast forward:
keys: Ctrl + Right Arrow
enum: 10008
parameter: int nRate

Well now what I need do it? I need download resourse.xml and edit and overwrite in:  "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 16\Data\Custom Resources\Resource.xml"? this path not exist in MC18. I need create it?

I need add one line to resourse.xml? what is the code? is it?:

<Entry Key="Left" Command="10009" Param="nRate" Global="1" />
<Entry Key="Right" Command="10008" Param="nRate" Global="1" />

Please help!!!
Thank you!!


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2013, 07:41:58 am »

I suppose that is it the path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\Data\Default Resources\Resource.xml

Now I edit and add this:
<Entry Key="Left" Command="10009" Param="nRate" Global="1" />
<Entry Key="Right" Command="10008" Param="nRate" Global="1" />

nothing more is needed?


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2013, 07:45:48 am »

I've seen that the file resource.xml of the link is not the same that I have in my computer.

I don't know how to do it  ?


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2013, 08:06:37 am »

I am unable to dload the xml resource file at this momemnt.I am also not an expert in xml. so hopefully others will chime in.

Why not use the CTrl + arrow to FF or rewind ? or even just drag the slider button (pic)

The remote control also has a FF and rewind


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2013, 08:11:48 am »

thank you Samson.
I know that I can search with timeline and use the default keys. But I prefer use the left/right key for rewind/fast forward. It's better for me.

I hope that anyone can help me!

thanks everyone!


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2013, 11:29:41 am »

Download the attached zip file. It contains a single file in a single folder.

Make sure MC (including server if used) is closed.
Extract the folder, with file, into the "Data" folder found in the MC installation directory.

Start MC and enjoy your new left/right seeking keys.

Why "Custom Resources"?
MC will check the contents of "Custom" folders before "Default" ones and use info found in there first.
MC combines the data found in custom folder with the default folder, hence you only need the lines you wish to customise in the custom file. MC will pick those up, then use the rest from the default file.
When updating MC, "Custom" folders are not touched, which means you don't need to worry about customisations being wiped out by an upgrade installation.


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2013, 11:39:42 am »

many thanks marko!!

only one question, in this path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\Data\Default Resources

now there is a Resource.xml file. If I overwrite it with your file this not make crash the program? I make a backup of the old file?

Thank you!!!


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2013, 11:42:12 am »

Whoa. NO! Do not overwrite any files...

The file in the zip archive must be placed here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\Data\Custom Resources

Pay close attention to the final folder name.
Inside the zip, the file is already saved inside a Custom Resources folder.

Be careful that you don't end up with a double dose of "Custom Resources" or it won't work.
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 18\Data\Custom Resources\Custom Resources

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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2013, 11:45:00 am »

OK! I wait!! not problem! thank you marko!!

your need that I upload my file?


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2013, 11:47:40 am »

Edit complete.

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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2013, 11:50:31 am »

OK! Now I try it!!
thank you boss!!!


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2013, 12:31:39 pm »

marko, I do it and now the audio files now work ok when I do rewind/fast forward.

However, when I try do it the same with a video-file don't work! Before of load your file works fine. I suppose that we've cancelled this function!
Now when I try rewind/fast forward video files j river do another function, not jump every +-5seconds: now play with x100 velocity!

you know how to solve it?!

thank you!!!!



  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2013, 07:17:44 pm »

Thanks Marco.

As you say this is a single instruction xml file for left and right arrow key on tthe keyboard.The "Resource.xml" refreed to in the Wiki has multiple instructions (For others reading the link to it in the wiki appears to be instead use and save the xml file).

As you say whatever "Resource.xml" file used, its resides in the newly created "Custom Resources" folder alongside the existing "Default Resources" foder containing its own Resources.xml (to be left alone).

As you say the custom takes precedence over the default reource.xml

I wonder if you would be kind enough to briefly explain what the Custom reources/resource.xml does and when you would use it ? refers to it and mentions core commands and so fourth but all a little Is "resources" just a sub section of "Core Commands", just another way of issuing core commands etc ?  ?


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2013, 05:24:49 am »

marko, I do it and now the audio files now work ok when I do rewind/fast forward.

However, when I try do it the same with a video-file don't work! Before of load your file works fine. I suppose that we've cancelled this function!
Now when I try rewind/fast forward video files j river do another function, not jump every +-5seconds: now play with x100 velocity!

you know how to solve it?!

thank you!!!!
I'm not sure how you are controlling your video files, but to be sure, I removed my own Custom Resources file, allowing MC to fall back to defaults, and using the "Ctrl+Left/Right" keyboard shortcuts also behaves the way you describe. For me, this is not something we broke, it's just the way it is.

However, there are MCC commands for seeking back and forward, and they allow to set the seek increments. I've tested these, and they work for both video and audio, and will seek back and forth in 5 second steps, and if you hold the key down, the repeats get fired also. If you like to try, download the attached zip file, which contains the "seek" commands, and place that in your Custom Resources folder, this time, overwriting the existing file (Just be sure you are in the correct folder).

If you wish to change the seek increments, open the file in a text editor. Each command line contains the number 5000, which represents the 5 seconds, knowing that, you can work out what you want, apply the edit, save the changes, restart MC and you're all set.


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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2013, 06:47:09 am »

Thanks Marco.

As you say this is a single instruction xml file for left and right arrow key on tthe keyboard.The "Resource.xml" refreed to in the Wiki has multiple instructions (For others reading the link to it in the wiki appears to be instead use and save the xml file).
For me, the link on the wiki works, but only if I right click and choose "Save link as...". My browser is Firefox. I think others may vary but am not certain. Neither of your links work for my if I left click on them.

As you say whatever "Resource.xml" file used, its resides in the newly created "Custom Resources" folder alongside the existing "Default Resources" foder containing its own Resources.xml (to be left alone).

As you say the custom takes precedence over the default reource.xml

I wonder if you would be kind enough to briefly explain what the Custom reources/resource.xml does and when you would use it ? refers to it and mentions core commands and so fourth but all a little Is "resources" just a sub section of "Core Commands", just another way of issuing core commands etc ?  ?
I'll try, but this kind of thing is not my forté...

The "Resource.xml" file in the default folder defines the commands and keyboard shortcuts that come with MC as standard.
MC allows users to define their own keyboard shortcuts in a separate file that is protected from being deleted by the program installer.
MC merges the two files, with the custom file taking precedence. This ensures that if the defaults change, or have new stuff added, they are still available to those taking advantage of the "Custom" system.

You can use "MCC" commands to get MC to do stuff for you. You have found the list. It is extensive. I think much of it is best left for MC to use internally, but some of the stuff exposed to us here is pure gold. The commands can be passed to the program via another program that MC installs in our Windows folder, and always matches the major build number, so, currently, this little helper program is called "MC18.exe".

Try pressing Win+R to bring up the 'Run' box, paste this in there... mc18.exe /mcc 10047
and press enter.
If MC is running, this will start audio playback using the Play Doctor feature. If MC is not running, it will do nothing.

My custom resources file contains a global keyboard combo that fires this command when I hit "Ctrl+Alt+R"...
<Entry Key="Ctrl;Alt;R" Command="10047" Global="1" />

Which allows me to kick off a Play Doctor session even if MC is not the focussed program.

I also use this in Theater View, but here, it's a button press on the remote that sends the command off to MC18.exe, which passes it on to the program and starts radio playback.

You can get creative with these things. Back in my XP days, I used to keep windows shortcuts with custom icons in a folder that I would add to the taskbar as a toolbar. The shortcuts performed actions such launch/close MC, play, pause, rew, fwd, set ratings on the current playing track 1-5, all using MCC commands fired to MC via the MC18 program. I don't use that now, but at the time, was super handy, and should hopefully give an idea how these things can be applied.

To be honest, I think the standard view, desktop defaults have pretty much everything covered. The MCC commands really come in to their own when using Theater View, and you want buttons on your remote control to do specific things. I have set one of my buttons to restart MC. Coupled with auto update, if an update has been downloaded, it will be automatically installed before the program restarts. It's also handy if we get frustrated waiting for the server to push new files out to the HTPC as a restart forces a library refresh from the server, and we're good to go.

A tad rambly, not very well structured, but hopefully of some use to you...



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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2013, 08:22:29 am »

thank you Marko for your long explanation.

I think the penny finally dropped.I was expecting a more straight forward way of assigning keyboard shortcuts like for example in Photoshop.I was thinking somehow that the downloaded xml file would produce some "wizard" or other magic.I should have paid closer attention to the Wiki phrase, "Currently, defining these shortcuts requires working with XML in a text editor".

The downloaded custom "resource.xml" is merely the "sample" referred to in the Wiki, with 3 examples. You obviously write your own rules based on xml syntax, knowing nothing about xml but copying the pattern in the resource file, and incorporating MC Commands.I have used MCC in 'programming' the remote. Here their application is in 'programming' the keyboard.Okay, got it, I think ?..

My apologies to the OP, I knew of the links that related to his question but hadnt the prior need to explore them.I jumped in thinking it would be simply a matter of pointing to the right place.



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Re: How to change keys of keyboard for do it this..
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2013, 02:39:58 pm »

I'm not sure how you are controlling your video files, but to be sure, I removed my own Custom Resources file, allowing MC to fall back to defaults, and using the "Ctrl+Left/Right" keyboard shortcuts also behaves the way you describe. For me, this is not something we broke, it's just the way it is.

However, there are MCC commands for seeking back and forward, and they allow to set the seek increments. I've tested these, and they work for both video and audio, and will seek back and forth in 5 second steps, and if you hold the key down, the repeats get fired also. If you like to try, download the attached zip file, which contains the "seek" commands, and place that in your Custom Resources folder, this time, overwriting the existing file (Just be sure you are in the correct folder).

If you wish to change the seek increments, open the file in a text editor. Each command line contains the number 5000, which represents the 5 seconds, knowing that, you can work out what you want, apply the edit, save the changes, restart MC and you're all set.


marko I test it and works very fine!!! many thanks you!!! you are the best, you are elvis!!  ;D
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