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Author Topic: files from the same album are in 2 different album folders in my library  (Read 2009 times)


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I recently downloaded an album from Canary Classics that was missing 3 files. When I downloaded the missing tracks, 2 of them appeared in my audio library, in the proper album and in the proper track order, but the third created a new album, complete with duplicate cover art, yet containing that one file.  How do I move that one file to the album containing the rest of the tracks? I've tried everything I can think of--cutting, copying, pasting doesn't work. I've also tried deleting the 2nd album and downloading that one track again and again, it creates a new duplicate album with that one track.
I have already wasted 1.5 hours on this and hope someone has a solution.


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if the album title is the same.
controlling the following database fields.
albumartist - year



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Lieber Reinhard,
Ihr Englisch ist besser als mein Deutsch.
Unfortunately, I am a novice with JRiver and I'm not sure I explained the problem properly. On my Audio page I have 2 album covers for the same album, whether I list them by Album or Artist. One contains 1 track, the other contains the other 13. I hoped it would be as easy as cut and paste or drag and drop but this is not the case.
If I access the album by clicking on Audio files I can combine the two and create a playlist with the proper ordering of tracks, but I can't get that to replace the 2 album listings.


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hallo howard
mc show you only the contents of the id3 tag fields
and stores it in the database

if a cd with 14 songs - is displayed as 2 cds with different covers
one with one song - one with 13 songs
the following id3 tag fields must have the same content
"album" - "artist" - "albumartist" - "year"

if not, there are two different cds for mc
therefore, two different cover were found

controlling the fields and change the wrong entry
you can do that in the "action window" under "Tag"



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Hallo Reinhard,
all of the files have exactly the same info regarding artist, album and year.
After my last reply I downloaded an album from HDtracks and the album showed up in Media Center as 3 different albums, each with the same cover art. One contains track #5, one contains track #9, and the other tracks 1-4,6-8, 10-11.
I am not particularly computer savvy.


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hallo howard

what is with the field "Album Artist"

the field "album artist (auto)" is automatically filled

in the "TAG" window top left is a small icon - you can show more id3 tags



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Lieber Reinhard,
Vielen Dank.
Thank you for your patience and your help. I finally found what you were asking me to look for and the problem is now solved.
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