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Author Topic: Volume Display (and other media key behavior)  (Read 4286 times)


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Volume Display (and other media key behavior)
« on: July 05, 2013, 10:04:11 am »

Should the media keys for volume give me a display on my screen showing the volume level?  The volume up/ down buttons work (not the mute one, fyi), but I see no visual representation of the volume like I do in other media apps.  In fact, even if nothing is open on my mac and I hit the volume keys I see what my volume level is on the screen, so it seems MC18 is actually stopping that from displaying.

I'd also like the << and >> buttons on my keyboard to work.  It seems that the >|| button works to play & pause, but the next track and previous track do not.

Small issues - but it seems we're getting that point with MC for Mac now!


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Re: Volume Display (and other media key behavior)
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2013, 08:24:33 am »

Thanks for the report, we'll look into it on Monday.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Volume Display (and other media key behavior)
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2013, 10:39:01 am »

Should the media keys for volume give me a display on my screen showing the volume level?  The volume up/ down buttons work (not the mute one, fyi), but I see no visual representation of the volume like I do in other media apps.  In fact, even if nothing is open on my mac and I hit the volume keys I see what my volume level is on the screen, so it seems MC18 is actually stopping that from displaying.

I'd also like the << and >> buttons on my keyboard to work.  It seems that the >|| button works to play & pause, but the next track and previous track do not.

I have the same issues regarding the back/forward keys. As for the volume, hoyt, are you on system or internal volume? I am on internal, as that's the only way the mute key worked for me. I get no visual feedback on internal. (And, yeah, it's weird how nothing happens when I am on system volume and MC is running.)



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Re: Volume Display (and other media key behavior)
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2013, 10:24:13 am »

I have the same issues regarding the back/forward keys. As for the volume, hoyt, are you on system or internal volume? I am on internal, as that's the only way the mute key worked for me. I get no visual feedback on internal. (And, yeah, it's weird how nothing happens when I am on system volume and MC is running.)


I'm on system volume, and you're right, no mute operation when on system, but it does seem to work when on internal.  But when I'm on internal volume, the volume of MC18 maxes out at whatever I have my system volume set to.  So I'd have to use a combo of the volume keys and adjust the speaker icon in the taskbar of OSx.  I'd rather deal with no mute function and use the pause then to have two different volumes when running MC18.

It also seems the volume keys move the volume 1% at a time.  When I'm in just my mac with MC18 closed, the volume keys move it more like 10%.  It's nice to have more granularity, but 1% feels really really small.  I guess I'm more of a button pusher, than a button hold-downer.  So I'm hitting the volume down key many many times to adjust the volume. 



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Re: Volume Display (and other media key behavior)
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2013, 10:35:59 am »

You and I are on the same wavelength here, compadre. The current best solution for maximum functionality can be defined in two different ways: it's either how many buttons do you want to work, or how many buttons do you want to work logically? In other words, the current state of affairs is no good.

hoyt, would you agree that the logicalest situation (i.e. one most familiar to the Mac ecosystem) is that MC's volume should be pegged and unadjustable via media keys? We're used to seeing media keys control system volume, and if MC has the same output as other apps, then that's the expected behavior, I think. (I recognize of course that MC can be configured to automatically adjust volume based on playlist etc (as I have it), so its volume may never equal other apps.)

Can we get a JR guy in here for an update? JohnT, you were here earlier... And really, the back/forward buttons not working is a killer for me.

Thanks –


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Re: Volume Display (and other media key behavior)
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2013, 11:35:51 am »

I understand why they would want to maintain the preference to have either.  I guess my take on it is that if it's on System Volume, my volume keys should behave like they do in the native OS, hence system.  So each tick of the button should be ~10%, my screen should show me the speaker icon, and mute should work.

When set to internal, changing by 1% and not showing a speaker icon makes sense to me.  Sometimes having a speaker flash up on your screen is fairly cheesy. 


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Re: Volume Display (and other media key behavior)
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2013, 01:35:53 pm »

Looks like we have a list for system volume:
1. mute working better
2. volume up/down a little quicker and show on-screen display
3. next/previous media keys working
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Volume Display (and other media key behavior)
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2013, 10:37:29 am »

hoyt: Yes, I can see your point, why one would want to be on system or internal.

JohnT: Great, thanks very much.

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