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Author Topic: ID3 Tags from dBPoweramp somtimes wrong displayed  (Read 2208 times)


  • World Citizen
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ID3 Tags from dBPoweramp somtimes wrong displayed
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:43:21 am »

use the 206 version of JRiver 18.
When I have songs in .aif Format and the ID3 Tags are from dBpoweramp Release 14.3, the field "Title" is mixed interpreted.
Sometimes I have an titel number, sometimes the number is shown in the titel, it is mixed in one album, see the screenshot.
In the Tags there is 1/11 not the title number alone stored.
Code: [Select]
Complete name                            : H:\Audio\Gerstner\Eric Clapton - Time Pieces; Best of Eric Clapton\03 Eric Clapton - Knockin' on Heaven's Door.aif
Format                                   : AIFF
Format/Info                              : Apple/SGI
File size                                : 44.0 MiB
Duration                                 : 4mn 21s
Overall bit rate mode                    : Constant
Overall bit rate                         : 1 415 Kbps
Album                                    : Time Pieces: Best of Eric Clapton
Album/Performer                          : Eric Clapton
Part/Position                            : 1
Part/Total                               : 1
Track name                               : Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Track name/Position                      : 3
Track name/Total                         : 11
Grouping                                 : Blues-Rock/Hard Rock/Adult Contemporary/Contemporary Pop/Rock/Album Rock
Performer                                : Eric Clapton
Composer                                 : Bob Dylan
Encoded by                               : dBpoweramp Release 14.3
Publisher                                : Polydor
Genre                                    : Pop/Rock
Media Type                               : CD (Lossless)
Catalog #                                : 800 014-2
Encoder                                  : 
UPC                                      : 042282538246

Format                                   : PCM
Format settings, Endianness              : Big
Duration                                 : 4mn 21s
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 1 411.2 Kbps
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Sampling rate                            : 44.1 KHz
Bit depth                                : 16 bits
Stream size                              : 43.9 MiB (100%)

Hope there is a fix for that.

Best Regards,


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: ID3 Tags from dBPoweramp somtimes wrong displayed
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 08:27:49 am »

ouch a mystery -- I have been using dpoweramp forever with jriver and never had any problems -- as you know, however, aiff files like wave don't support certain tagging conventions like flac does (any reason you are ripping to aiff on a PC, by the way?)

  • Might be a limitation with aiff and ID 3v2 tags -- test this by ripping same album to flac via dbpower amp music converter. Import same to jriver to compare.

  • Might be a problem with your "Mask" -- your file path (complete name) has a ";" instead of a colon like the Album Title indicates. Data bases use semi-colons to parse or concantenate fields. Are the tracks that are showing up correctly also have a semi-colon ine the path name? Why is it there at all I wonder when a colon is the correct Album Title ?!....

  • Doubtful, but might be a problem with the codec, but you are a version behind now - its 14.4 - you can update just the codec from the configuration program - won't hurt. Curiously the encoder version used is not saved to your metadata

Don't see any reason why this would be an issue with JRiver, other than using non standard symbols in your tags as separators


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 120
Re: ID3 Tags from dBPoweramp somtimes wrong displayed
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2013, 11:01:55 am »


I have found the problem:
I have done this CD (and a lot of others) with the Version 14.3 of dBpoweramp.
For correct AIFF with ID3 Tags you need an update to 14.4ß or higher to have correct data, there was an error in dBpoweramp.

Ther is an additional "codec" here called "ID Tag Update":

With that you can do it like described here:

Then everything is ok.

It sound better then FLAC/ALAC and has better tagging then WAV, therefor AIF on Windows PC.
AIF and WAV sounds the same, but all lossless compressed are a little bit worse then uncompressed lossless.
But please no discussion about that, some here it, some not, its like power amp or cable sound quality discussions.
I made some blindchecks for me and this was my result on my system. HDD space is cheap so no problem for me.

Thanks and kind regards,
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