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Author Topic: Any info on how to call external Explorer Context Shortcut  (Read 1848 times)


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Does anyone know if there is a method for calling outside of MC to execute a command, not an MC command, but a Windows based command?

The thought is to have a way to add newly added items to my cloud based backup service within MC.

Now, I have to go to Windows Explorer, find the folder I want to backup, right-click and send to backup.

There would be a huge advantage of doing it inside MC as I would be able to sort my views based on criteria and select files to backup as I have over 50K files and only want to have a small percentage of them on my cloud based services like Amazon Cloud player, and Just Cloud.

I see lot's of examples of calling commnds of type MC, but have not seen any external calls, but that must be possible since this intergrates with Last.FM, Amazon, etc.




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Re: Any info on how to call external Explorer Context Shortcut
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2013, 06:54:59 pm »

You can add commands under Library Tools > Send To > Sent To (External) > Add / Edit Programs.
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