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Author Topic: When I ripp some CD the tracking order is not in accordance with the CD.  (Read 6615 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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I am having some problems with the order that the different tracks appear.
For instance, the track 1 is identified and it corresponds to track 1 on the disc, but it appears in 4th place, the track 2 appears in 7th , etc.
How can I move tem to the right place?
It will be very appreciated if someone could explain how to proceed.

Best regards


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You can click a column header to sort.

The view header menu also allows you to load stock sorting.

Finally, if you think sorting is right and can't figure out why 'Track #' isn't ordering like you think, check the 'Disc #' field.  Disc # always gets sorted before Track #, so it can cause this.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Galactic Citizen
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Thank you very much Matt, but I donīt understand what is a column header and where to find it. And if I find it I don't how to load stock sorting.
It may be my English wit a bit of stupidity. So, I am asking you an explanation on a step by step basis witch I can follow and apply.
Thanks again

Best regards


  • Galactic Citizen
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Hi Matt:

No answer?


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See the List Columns (aka Column Headers) pointer here:

You can click those.

Did you check the Disc # fields yet?
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  • Galactic Citizen
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I already checked the Disc tracks (what are Disc # fields)?
When I go to play now the tracks of the playing Disk are shown and I can move them to the correct place.
But when I come back to the disk and play it again double clicking the album, the track numbers remains unchanged and I can't move them to the correct position from there.
I didn't understand well the Column Headers on the wiki link that you sent to me, how to get there and what to do later to correct the situation.
I am very sorry for being so impatient, but I discovered that I have most of my 1500 CD with the same problem, where the track numbers are not the real ones.
The problem is that most of them had their track numbers in the correct position after ripping and, later on, they changed. This always happens with the HDTracks ones.
If you could spend a little more time with me, explaining on a way that I can understand, it will be great.

Thanks again.

Best Regards


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See the following video for adding the Disc # column to the file list and the tag to the Tag Action Window:

Check that the values are the same for an album.  For single disc albums, Disc # for all tracks should be empty.  For multi-disc albums, correctly set the disc # for each track.

You've been here a while.  It might be a good idea to learn some of the basic terms such as field/property/tag, headers, file list, columns, etc.
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Hi MrC:

I have to be frank with you: I am very grateful for your help, but I confess that I don't understand your explanation at all and so, I can't correct the problem. I even think that you didn't understand my problem, certainly because I didn't explained it very well.
When you ask me to learn some terms, are you implying that a Portuguese person ( now about 2500 million) should not use MC without speaking and righting perfect English?
I am being a consultant for the World Bank, I had to wright my reports in English, but with the support of a translator when needed. However, I don't understand some of the terms that you suggest me to learn and I don't know where.
I think, as a customer, that MC support team will save a lot of time if they supply us with a glossary with important words, just explaining their meaning instead of sending us to the school.
You, and others who try to help are so short of words that you don't help a common guy like I am.
What I need is something like:
" Go to this this option, and so on".
I don't think that it is to ask too much.
Coming back to my problem:
Most of my CD, ripped in MC and all the imported ones from HDTracks, have the tracks out of order, when compared to the CD where they come from. So, instead of having Track 1 and 2 and 3... in the wright order, I have, for instance, Track 11 and 2 and 6...
When I want to play a record, I can't play it from the beginning and keep playing it following the correct order until the end, because the tracks are out of order.
Can you imagine listening to a opera, or symphony by the middle, than jumping to the Overture, and so on?
Is not reasonable to ask the ones that know. or the formally assigned by JRiver to help, to solve this and other problems on an effective way, or the customers must just pay, go the forums and not receive a kindly and understandable  expressed solution, when they beg for support?
Pleas Matt (as one of the owners and the CEO), look at this, since I think you don't want to have dissatisfied customers. As you know, it is very important to have new customers, but it is even more important to keep them.
I am sorry for this long lament, but it is dictated by the situation. I hope that you will understand my concern.
Best Regards


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Click the column heading for [Track #] and it will let you sort by that:

If you do not see [Track #] right-click any other heading, and you can add it from the list.


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Hi MrC:

I have to be frank with you: I am very grateful for your help, but I confess that I don't understand your explanation at all and so, I can't correct the problem. I even think that you didn't understand my problem, certainly because I didn't explained it very well.

Some frank talk for you.  You ask questions in English and when you receive a detailed and accurate answer, you complain that the answer is not understandable.  Rather than simnply asking for clarification, you repeat the material in the original post along with complaints about how unsatisfactory the answers you received were.  You continue to repeat this behavior after months of asking questions and receiving good advice on this forum.

Everyone who respomnded to your original post, understood your question..  Similar
You need to learn some concepts about how JRiver MC works. 

Some useful concepts:

- MC provides a number of ways to look at your files.  They are usually called views.

- Each view has rules determining which files will be displayed, how they will be presented, what fields will be shown and how the list of files will be sorted.

- When you click on the play button, MC will play the files in the order listed.  If you select some files form the list shown and right-click and select play, MC will play the files in the order listed.

- If MC isn't playing files in the ordewr you prefer, you can modify the rules that a view uses to sorted files.

In this case, you said that you didn't understand what a column header is and where to find it.  That phrase is used in many software programs to describe a descriptive word placed at the top of a column of values. Had you used Google to search for "column header", you would see images showing column headers

In the screenshot below, column headers for the list of files are about half way down. ("Collection Na...   Composer ...".  The up arrow to the right of "Composer" indicates that this is the primary sort field.  Album is the next sort dield, then Artist and then Track # (which is out of sight to the right.)

As other people have told you, you can click on a column header to make that field the primary sort field.  If you wanted to sort files by Artist, then Album and then Track #, you could click on the Track # header, then on the Album header and finally on the Artist header. (That is, click on the headers starting with the least important sort field.)



  • Galactic Citizen
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Thank you very much. With your explanation it was very easy to understand and execute.
The only thing I don't know and ask you to inform me is: does this operation just orders the #Track from 1 to the last one, and respects the order in the original CD? In this case, not only #track should move, but also the content. In other words, if I have seen #Track 1 in forth place with the correct content and I want to be certain that the change is just not the number, but also the content, what will I do? In this case, #track 1 should move to the first place, but also its content.
Is there a way to verify in MC, since I have more than 1500 CD in my library if the Track# much the CD?

Thanks again.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Hello Listener:

I appreciate very much your effort, but you are being unfair.
Knowing quite a bit of English and asking questions on that language doesn't mean that I understand all or believe that I made myself to be understudied. Thank you for your opinion that I make myself understandable, but, most of the times, since I don't understand the answers, I feel that I have to clarify myself. This is the reason why I keep repeating the question, editing it.
Since I don't consider myself stupid, I ask myself why I don't understand the answers and this is an issue that troubles me to the point of not asking more when I need advice.
And, revising most of my posts, I arrived to the conclusion that, with some good exceptions, the answers are generally too short, sending me to links witch confuse me even more, since most of them don't get to the point and, sometimes, confuse more than clarify. Instead of teaching, witch will be helpful to the people with the same problems, it seems that, sometimes, the authors are talking to themselves or to an elite of illuminati and not to the common people.
Hopefully there are exceptions and they are the ones that help me to appreciate MC and keep going with it.
But this is enough for complains.
Reading your answer I didn't understand several things, mostly "how to get there".
For instance, under Audio you present a lot of information and I can't find it. Also the screenshot you present in the right side, I can't see the upper side. But when I  play an album and double click it (this is my method) I can see the half way down in the window that drops down.
But I still don't know how can I force the Tracks and it content to move to the original CD position, when they are presented out of order.
I now know, reading the instructions posted by 6833938 how to put in order Track numbers, but I still don't know if the corresponding content, moves with it. And I also don't know why MC doesn't order the track information in the correct way, even when the CDs are ripped through it and how can I solve this problem.
Is the way I play my albums that I described above the right one?
D you see why I keep asking questions?

Thanks a lot

Warm regards



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The track numbers should be correct for any disc you have ripped. No need to worry.

This changes the sorting order, it does not change the files.


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So far, the people helping you, myself included, are just users like you.  Our time is valuable to us, and we help because we enjoy it.

Please select the files in question, and use File > Export Playlist.  Select:

   Format: Text File (CSV delimited)
   Included Fields: All Fields
   Output Range: Selection

Save it to the Desktop, zip it, and attach it in a reply here.  Someone will take a look and we'll go from there.
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Thank you very much and I am very sorry if I was a little harsh.
I understand that most of you help without any obligation to do it and steeling this time to your working or leisure time.
But there is a professional structure, or at least it should exist, to take care of us, customers.
Today I am very tired and can't return to the subject.
Bill, witch helped me a lot in the past, gave me a guaranty that the Files were always correct and just the Track numbers could be wrong.
I already learned how to correct the $Track. So, I will have a good sleep.
Thanks again for your time and understanding and plan to visit Portugal.

Best regards



  • Galactic Citizen
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Thank you very much again.
For the moment I am solving my problem and it is almost finished.
So, I am not asking you more support wright now and hope, in the future, to benefit of your support and kindness.

Kind regards

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