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Author Topic: Music Bit-Rate Quality using Gizmo  (Read 5660 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Music Bit-Rate Quality using Gizmo
« on: August 01, 2013, 04:15:24 pm »

I have downloaded MC trial few days ago and am having newbie, operator error problems.

I am ripping my CD's in WAV on a NAS (Zyxel NSA320) using Hierarchical File Structure to make searching faster.  I will be listening to the music on various audio systems by either pulling or pushing the files from the NAS via ethernet into either an Onkyo NR609 AVR, Oppo BDP103, or Marantz NA7004.

My main reason for my interest in MC is to have a nice front end to assist in choosing music from my library to feed various systems without having to use a video monitor or computer.  I thought MC with its Gizmo app on my Nexus7 tablet could be that solution.

I downloaded the Gizmo app and it seemed to work, but I noticed the sound of music was uninvolving.  I check the sound quality and I noticed it was compressed going into my Marantz NA7004, even though the source file of uncompressed WAV.  In the Gizmo app I found where I can set the downloaded bit rate, but the highest quality allowed was 320Kbps.  That will NOT do, as I need the highest quality inputs to my systems.
How can I get the Gizmo app to have MC feed my Onkyo NR609 AVR, Oppo BDP103, or Marantz NA7004 uncompressed files ?  Note, I have some files of 96K/24, but most are 44K/16.


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Re: Music Bit-Rate Quality using Gizmo
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2013, 05:24:42 pm »

You can configure the audio format served in Options > Media Network > Add or configure DLNA servers > Audio on the server.  The best is to always serve 24-bit WAV (unless your device doesn't support 24-bit or WAV nicely).

The audio format selection on Gizmo is only when playing on the device (Nexus7 in your case).
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 73
Re: Music Bit-Rate Quality using Gizmo
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2013, 03:49:06 pm »

You can configure the audio format served in Options > Media Network > Add or configure DLNA servers > Audio on the server.  The best is to always serve 24-bit WAV (unless your device doesn't support 24-bit or WAV nicely).

The audio format selection on Gizmo is only when playing on the device (Nexus7 in your case).

I made your suggested Options changes, and I am now getting uncompressed, high quality files.

I thought I previously made that change, but apparently it must NOT to have been saved.

I would suggest that high quality outputs be the default, not MP3 quality, as my impression is that JRiver is target to the more audiophile audience.
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