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Author Topic: A Little Trouble with volume leveling  (Read 1997 times)


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A Little Trouble with volume leveling
« on: August 12, 2013, 11:01:32 am »

I'm struggling a bit to understand how the new volume leveling system works.

I tick Volume Leveling and Adaptive Volume on Peak Level Normalize.

I'm adding 4 files to playing now, all the same tracks, same album, identical except they are from different releases. Remastered, MSFL, vinyl rip, etc.

I've ran analysis on them with the latest build and redid it to make sure its done properly.

The problem is, one song is noticably quieter than the rest.

So I figured it must be seeing it as a complete album and use album gain. I edited the songs to appear as they are from different albums so it would use track based instead of album based gain. It didn't work ...

I tried with 2 other songs. Same song, same album different release. Also tried editing the album tag so they appear as being from different albums.

Funny thing is, if I disable volume leveling they're actually closer in terms of volume perception.

If its helpful I can post the volume level tags, I'll make screenshots. But I probably just misunderstand how it works and maybe its obvious from the above?

Thanks for any help!


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Re: A Little Trouble with volume leveling
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2013, 11:06:40 am »

Do the 'Volume Level (R128)' values make sense?

Are they all two channels?
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: A Little Trouble with volume leveling
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2013, 12:16:24 pm »

There was a change to volume leveling in build 14 that can cause albums to sound much quieter than files using track gain - that might be what you're hearing.

Can you post examples that show the Volume Level (R128) values, and what gain Audio Path is using?
I would also try disabling Adaptive Volume.


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Re: A Little Trouble with volume leveling
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2013, 12:49:59 pm »

My first test yesterday was with 4 different led zeppelin releases from their first album. I'm sorry I can't replicate the problem I had yesterday but I'm not sure anymore which song it was exactly. I'm still checking.

I decided to ask because I just had the same thing with Philip Glass.

When Matt asked if it was all 2 channels, I checked and noticed one version of Philip Glass is seen as multichannel. I hear only stereo but the file is multichannel. I suppose that's why it might be louder? I've attached a screenshot.
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