So this is a story about a naughty hard drive, a naughty computer operator...Me, and a early build software (naughty by nature).
For the last few days my portable usb HD has, on occasion disconnected and within 2 seconds reconnected. The effect on my MC user experience was fairly minimal
and limited to cover art and video thumbs having the yellow star warning icon on them for the duration of the disconnect, all was fine thereafter.
With limited finances i had planned to replace the naughty drive in a few days but gambled on using it till then.
The Naughty Operator
Well i can only explain what happened next by saying their was a lack of attention to memory, whilst i proceeded to click OK to the box where it says
words to the effect of "are you sure you want to rename/move 4547 files, it may take along time. Of course a milli second after i had clicked i remembered
the naughty drive and considered closing MC but decided to proceed as i had no idea what negative effect closing MC down at that time would have,
i gambled again that everything would be fine.
A minute in, biting my nails watching the count of files re-tagged drop - 4000 - 3000, and then the HD disconnected, of course it did, why would it not!
A dialog told me their was a tagging error on a massive amount of files, and to check the file location, i clicked Ok and processing continued. The Hd disconnected
lots more times till finally i get the "would you like to delete 72 folders" Great i thought lets assess the damage but the processing hadn't finished.
I left it for around 30 minutes and still unclear as to the completed status i assessed the damage.
It had physically moved 1500 of the 4500
1972 files had no [Filename (Path)]
Duplicates all over the place.
We're those with no filename path the duplicates? i had no clue. All i could measure was that i had good files and bad files.
However if i knew how many good files i had pre-move i could compare that to how many i have now and hope and prey i would
have 1972 files extra. And safely delete them. So i backed up then restored to an auto backup created the day before, labelled "August",
found out how many i had, backed up again, then restored the previous backup.
The database will be opened in read only mode.... oh Crumbs. Mc loaded and it was empty. Went back to the August back up and that was empty also.
Have i lost the database?
I still have MC18 installed with back up's should i try to restore from one of those or am i in some part experiencing a Mc19 problem
Thanks for reading my long winded story and thanks Mc for a great piece of software. Here's hoping MC20 will be moron proof
Ver 19.0.29
Win7 32bit