As i said"from outside".We do not have AOL here,so i never saw it,used it
What i know is all the web sites who speak about AOL.The slower browser on earth.I see a lot of time that many softwares do not work very well with AOl.that OAL users do not have acces to this service,or this one.More than it ,i cannot say
France is not the country of "political correct speaking".
Now,you and me are"mongoloide" in the way we use other things
For me ,it is car.The only thing i really understand in my car is the radio/cd player.....I will be very very happy to use a kind of AOL for my car.
Beside this,the fact that AOl will use Grego for is next browser is of importance.The weeb pages with the infamous"best with IE'or "only with IE' will have to think hard about 34 millions people not seing it.The same for many softwares-most of them very good- who are "IE only"
AOl-Warner is trying a new "secure code" for they cds.And they plan to start a service RealOne,Pressplay look alike.No compatible with WindowsMediaplayer.
I feel that there is more than money,power in the game.Like AOL wants to hurt Microsoft or Gates.More like between to persons that 2 corporates