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Author Topic: Problem streaming to Squeezebox Touch  (Read 3173 times)

Ian M

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Problem streaming to Squeezebox Touch
« on: September 14, 2013, 05:24:15 pm »

Hello, first post here.

I am running latest v18 on my iMac. I am trying to stream wirelessly to my SBT so I have Logitech Media Server running as well. The SBT is set up as a zone OK and I have set a Generic DNLA server for this.
All of my library is in Apple Lossless and I cannot stream this losslessly, only as an MP3.
The only way I can get get audio output is if I set the two DNLA options to-

Mode:Specified audio format only when necessary
Format: MP3 High Bandwidth

This works but sends  an MP3 to my SBT.
Any other setting here and there is no audio output and the tracks in an album seem to cycle through as it attempts to play about 5 seconds of each. I tried this with AIFF as well and same problem.

As a last resort I tried FLAC and this worked perfectly with the Mode set to original and my SBT reporting the correct file type.

So what is going on here, is it a bug or have I not set something up correctly or does the DNLA server only allow Lossless files in FLAC format.

I should add that the same M4A files play Ok within JRiver on my iMac and they also play OK across the network direct from LMS to my SBT.


Ian M

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Re: Problem streaming to Squeezebox Touch
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2013, 04:51:41 am »

As a second experiment I set up two macs both running jriver 18, one as server and one as client. Library is on server which I can see OK on client and I can sync tags etc between them, all very good.
I cannot play apple lossless to the client though, message saying something went wrong with playback. FLAC works perfectly again.  ?
I have tried every setting under the sun, all files types are set to automatic on both machines.

Help please.

Ian M

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Re: Problem streaming to Squeezebox Touch
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2013, 04:43:22 am »

I still need some advice about playing apple lossless please. I originally thought this was a DLNA problem but I dont think it can be, it must be a bug?
I cannot stream Apple lossless from server to client, the files attempt to play for 5 seconds and then skip to next file, no audio is heard. As I said before, FLAC works ok and also I can stream Apple lossless to jremote on my iPad with no encoding.

There seems to be a similar problem on this thread which does not seem to have been solved

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