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Author Topic: Long path - Cannot save tag  (Read 916 times)


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Long path - Cannot save tag
« on: October 08, 2013, 07:46:10 pm »

if you have a long filename under a path ie:
Borat I  - Cultural Learnings of America for Make BenBorat I  - Cultural Learnings of America for Make BenBorat I  - Cultural Learnings of dddfdfdf fdfdfdfdddddd dfddf afd sdfsdf sdfsdfsdf sdfsdfsddf.mp4 and you try to update a tag and update tag (from library), you'll get an error.

Media Center encountered errors while tagging or moving files. Check that the files exist, are not read-only, and are not in use by other programs.
Tagging error: M:\videos\b\Borat I  - Cultural Learnings of America for Make BenBorat I  - Cultural Learnings of America for Make BenBorat I  - Cultural Learnings of dddfdfdf fdfdfdfdddddd dfddf df.m4v

Not exactly sure what the maximum lenght, but look like it should catch the lenght, instead of blowing up.

Small issue but hey, thought would be nice to add extra check :)
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