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Author Topic: WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)  (Read 3512 times)


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WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« on: March 09, 2002, 02:17:18 pm »

What are your thoughts on this latest 'peace' idea over there? It's getting a lot of press over here that Zinni is going over there again and Sharon might be willing to try to implement some kind of cease-fire right in the middle of the bullets continuing to fly and then trying to get back on track to some kind of negotiated settlement. Do you think that has any chance of happening? What do you think will happen?


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2002, 02:21:00 pm »

it will not work, they just want to kill each other however non-productiove it is.

things to do list
1. wake up
2. strap bomb on
3. walk down town
4. kill as many kids as i can

nice way of living, and thinking

Neo Hate - Kill All Them Jews.mp3
The Cure - Killing An Arab.mp3
Gladys Knight - Licence To Kill.mp3
Dr. Dre & Ice Cube - Natural Born Killers.mp3
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2002, 02:42:22 pm »

Did anyone catch the interview on MSNBC a couple of days ago? I can't recall the name of the reporter, but it was the first ever with Arafats followers. I can say that fanatical is the only way to describe what I was hearing. When asked if they thought they were terrorist they replied that Isreal was the terrorist. Of course, Isreal was bombing in retaliation for the bus and shopping mall incidents. I don't think PEACE is a concept that will be understood universally for many many years. Especially in that region of the world. Maybe my great grandchildren in the future my have a chance to see such a proposal come true. But I wouldn't put money on that bet.


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2002, 02:49:15 pm »


Mr. peace prize him self

what we need is

Paul Hardcastle - Peace On Earth.mp3
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2002, 04:01:34 pm »

Hey, I'm not interested in igniting this corner of the forum. Not that I'm saying you guys are doing that, but I just wanted to clarify: The internet is fascinating. Zevele's the one guy I'm aware of who's identified himself as an Israeli and I wanted a real guy's perspective from on the ground, so I'm taking advantage. You don't mind if I take advantage of you, do you, Z? (It's probably 4am Tel Aviv time, and he has no idea what's waiting for him next time he logs on Next Page )


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2002, 04:20:57 pm »


Wasn't intentionally fanning flames. Just an observation.

Anyway, I came across this a week or so ago. Check out the world or full world links.
From your location you see what the difference is anywhere in the world-pretty cool.Next Page


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2002, 04:30:06 pm »

That's pretty cool. And it IS 4am in Tel Aviv! Next Page

I also watched most of that same interview. I could see to a certain extent where those dudes were coming from (how can you not, I mean, if the guy standing next to YOU got blown to bits, how would you feel in the short-term, and that applies to the Israelis equally), but after a point you started to see this sort of chillingly weird blunt ignorance on their part, I thought. You're right, they just didn't seem to comprehend the idea of having to treat the other side as human beings, even if they had all their land back tomorrow and there was a mile-high wall between them and Israel. I got the impression that sooner or later they'd be busting out grappeling hooks to rappel down the other side of that wall and start blowing stuff up again out of boredom. Hence my question to Zevele.


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2002, 04:05:21 am »

>> At this rate, it may be civilization that is banned forever
Maybe If We Just Band Ignorent People And Put Them On A Island Some Place With No Computers, Guns, Food Etc.. The World Would Be A Better Place.

Here is Some Going Away Music

The Rippingtons - Island Aphrodisiac.mp3
Baha Men - Island Boy.mp3
Natural Vibes Band - Island Music.mp3
Tropical Steel Band - Montego Bay.mp3

Something Nice And Smooth
Rippingtons - Sapphire Island.mp3
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2002, 04:21:06 am »



>> Would you need a boat to watch them starve?

There would be plenty of meat to eat

I figure you can do reports like the do on Fox News Or CNN, for as long as you can so we know whats going on there.

Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy.mp3

Another Island Song:
Steel Drums of the Caribbean - Island In The Sun.mp3
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2002, 04:32:36 am »

Hello!12 hours latter,here i am.I do not plan to plead guiltly or innocent.Just to try to give you some ligth on the way we think
Let's start by the easy stuff
The cure 'Killing an arab' IS NOT a racist song.It is from a book from Albert Camus 'l etranger' the foreigner.I do not remember the lyrics,but they are like it:"standing on the beach with sun in my eyes,standing on the beach with a gun in my hand,killing an arab"It is exatly the book.And Camus was not a rigth wing person,100% the opposite
But,yes,not the best name for a song

Not easy stuff now

In summer,you see old people in the streets,at bus stop,with a tattoo on they arm.A number.The number they got in death camp
All of it because we being land-less,country-less people at this time
Now we have land,we have a country.If one day we are the back againts the sea,on the edge to disappear as the land,we will use nukes,againts anyone and anywhere
This even not a debate here,it is an understanding
Many time you had the official position of the state of Israel on tv,in news paper:'Israel will not be the first to use non-conventional weapon

There is something that palestiniens,arabs and others do not understand: you can blow bombs everyday,you can kill some of us everyday.We NEVER EVER will put one knee on the ground.We can deal with such a sorry thing for ever.We are here to stay,AT ANY PRICE for us and for others

Now how much can we trust arabs countrys?
-For years we had to put plastic on the passeport,like it no one will see we are from Israel
-We had to avoid to speak hebrew betwen us when abroad.All of this because of arabs terrorists
-For years we saw tv from countrys around us with a map without Israel on it.With a blank when Israel was on the screen like at olympics games

All the school-books in palestinians schools are full of songs about killing jews[not only israeliens] ,to throw them at the sea
TODAY in Syria ,i give you one exercise from a book for young pupils
"i have 5 jews in my neighbourhood.If i kill 3,how much left?"
From the Washintgon Post : allmost all the private religious muslim schools in USA have maps on the walls minus Israel on it

A little bit hard to have much trust!Deep inside me i strongly believe they want to destroy
us.At this time we are by far much  stong than them.Even a coalition of arab states cannot beat us.But it may not be for ever.So let's us  give Israel any kind of peace.Like this we will be able to built strong armys,to buy arms,and one day......BOUM!

But even like this i do beleive we have to try to find an agrement of any kind.Maybe all things put in other frame will generate new comportements
Kind of you dislike your neigbour.One day you speak to him.Well you do not love him,like him now,but you do not dislike him anymore .Your kids and his kids maybe even  allmost good friends one day,who knows?

Now,what i think of "new plans"
Which one?The Saoudi offer?Better to feed on KingSparta stuff.The one he use for his job
The Zini's one?it is not a plan.Just a try to calm down things until you attack Iraq

I feel that there is a need for another war in the region.A very destructive one.The ones who will survive will be quiet for a long time,and maybe it is the only way to built a more acceptable world in this part of the earth

I am not listening to any music.I got the police here not long ago.One of my friends was killed last night.I just try to reach my father.He has to speak to his family in France.I do not feel i can do it

No fear,no hate,just to run everyday life.It is the best answer

To Jim
It was hard work to writte a so long post.But if you feel there is no room for such a thing on your forum,just delete it.I will understand it


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2002, 04:35:38 am »

iq100,if you want to call youself David now,you have to cut a little piece of meat on your .........


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2002, 04:36:35 am »

>> yes,not the best name for a song
thats what i thought when i seen it
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2002, 04:49:10 am »

No Body Listens To Me
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2002, 04:51:49 am »

>>120GB drive costs $180
I am thinking about Buying The 160 Gig Firewire Drive Maxtor Makes.

I Hope by The End Of The Month, And I Can Also use It Later To Move All My MP3's To The New Computer.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2002, 05:06:50 am »

Let's try to have some fun
[former member],try to bombard palestinian authority with emails,they may surrender...................

All of it because Moise was faltering!!!!!!!
One day the men from upstairs said to Moise:"you are a good friend,tell me where you would like to settle with your people,and it is ok'
The week before ,Moise got an National Geography magazine special Canada.And he said "here i would like to live"
So he said"I would like"
-"ok,no problem,i give you the Cana region


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2002, 05:47:33 am »

Zevele - I understand. Used to feel differently, thought that peace just required a little more rationality/a little less emotionalism. Hold hands, everyone sings 'Kumbaya', that sort of thing. Still deplore the revanchism of Likud, and its settlement policies, but now realize that's because those policies are counter-productive: undermine Israel's long-term security needs rather than reinforcing them.

Something else going on out there - a true pathology. Tough enough to make peace between traditional combatants. Impossible to envision a peace with nations that deny your country's right to exist as a national entity, and its inhabitants right to exist, period. There's a virulent strand of hatred in the Arab world that can't be resolved by traditional diplomatic means.

Less hopeful even than you on dialogue as a route to eventual disengagment. Who do you wind up talking to? In most cases, a national leadership whose public views are disconnected from what goes on in the Arab Street. Tom Friedman has it right - most of these regimes have cut a deal with the Devil. If the radicals and the fundamentalists leave their national government alone, they're free to breed hatred and incite violence against external targets amongst the population at large. Further, these regimes have done nothing for their own people, so Hamas and the Islamic Brotherhood create parallel social service organizations for the poor, which they use to channel their ideology/theology to the masses.

Rather hopeless, I'm afraid. Probably heading for another punch-out.

Sorry to hear about your friend, Z. One never gets immunized to that sort of thing. A terrible loss. Words aren't adequate.


Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea - Django Reinhardt
Who Can I Turn To? - Bill Evans


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2002, 05:53:09 am »

[former member]

>>I don’t use Firewire. More costly. Proprietary. USB 2.0 more likely to be new standard for external.
USB Is 30 Times Slower Than Firewire, And Most Of The New Cameras Support Firewire

It Is Like $399.00 For The Drive
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2002, 06:13:50 am »

i guess you could also get the Free AOL dial Up Disks, And Then All AOL members would then be banned
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2002, 06:27:49 am »

I still don't understand why you keep harping on the same things, it does nothing for you or the forum.

besides it makes more work for Jim to try to ban you, he could use that time making MJ better.

I have a few posts deleted each week my self, so what they are deleted that is something i am not going to miss sleep over.

Hit And Roll

Most of the time you remind me of the "Rock-em And Sock-em Robots", And You Should Be Like "Hungry Hungry Hippo"
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2002, 06:48:34 am »

There is not!Let me tell you about something about ,till today,i do not understand,i do not see the deep meaning of it

The jewish messia will come,according to some.He will enter Jerusalem through one door-i do not remember wicht one-on a red young cow.Or it is his messanger,i am not very good at religion
Anyway, he will be from the Cohen tribe.The cohen are forbiden to enter a cimetery.

The muslins built a cimetery ,just after the door.Like it the jewish messia will not be able to enter Jerusalem

How can you explain it?
If you are a stong christian believer and you tell me that ,according to your book,Jesus will come back.He will come back in your town from the small hill north of the city.Because your book says that Jesus cannot cross supermarket,from the hill to the center of town it is only gardens.
Let say i am a strong jewish believer.I will think you are wrong,my messia will come ,in Jerusalem,no Jesus in your town.OK,lets have another drink together

But if the next morning,first thing i do is to built a supermarket between the hill and center of your town,I HAVE A BIG PROBLEM
I am not sure of my faith?Of my religion?I am in such a state of confusion ?I am not sure about myself,so to have a scarecrow allows me not to have to think?
In case i will go to synagogue with a cross and some garlic around my neck,because as a devout
religious jew,i am not sure about Dracula?
To reach any kind of understanding means to deal with such things as well.More hard that to run beta 8.....

Do not forget that since 1948,Labor had the power much more than 2/3 of the time.I am not on
ever side,there is good and bad from both partys.But both are shortsight,because of the udge pressure.The game is kind of special here:to survive as people


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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2002, 07:26:14 am »

You Used My Handle IQ

>>Does your new motherboard have ATA133 and/or RAID?
Waiting For ATA133 On The Motherboard, And ATI 128 Meg All In Wonder video card (Don't think It Is Released Yet)

the good news is i am getting my year end bonus soon, so that will pay for my new super computer
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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2002, 07:55:15 am »

>> Not deleting another's words is deeply ingrained in me.
I see nothing wrong with it, This is not the public square

this is a forum for a business, and everything is subject to be deleted.

JimH deletes some of his own posts, he may say something due to him being pissed at someone, later it being deleted or toned down.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:WAY off topic to zevele (warning: politics & religion)
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2002, 08:40:47 am »

I think Jim said he was a Pagan

I on the other hand Believe in nothing super natural

Your Born And you Die, Nothing Else

The Bible Is Nothing But A Story Book For The Weak, Who Need Something To Get Them Thru Life

Nothing More Nothing Less

And Most of the So called Religious Ones Are Just out To Rip You Off.

Life Cycle
Egg <-> Sperm - Life - Death - Fertilizer For Dirt To Grow Pretty Flowers

[thread closed by JimH due to IQ's juvenile approach to life -- sorry folks]
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA
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