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Author Topic: Exporting set-up, sharing license and moving to MC19  (Read 2009 times)


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Exporting set-up, sharing license and moving to MC19
« on: October 21, 2013, 03:32:11 pm »


I've spent hours (and hours) setting up MC18, and at the end I was very happy with the result :-)

Now, I have three (sort of) related questions:

1. My son is very impressed with the result, and wants to try the same in his room. Can I somehow export the way I have set-it up (import rules etc), so it will work in the same way for him, or does it need to be set up again? The reason this is important is because he will be playing the same media files (from a family NAS) and the content is 99 % ripped DVDs, most TV Shows, and this was done is a disc based, not episode based way, so it took a lot of work to get MC18 to behave in the way we wanted.

2. I believe I can use MC on more than one PC with one license? I am using the free trial version now, can I just enter my own license key, or do I risk somehow losing content, set-up or anything else on my own PC when I do this? The reason I ask is because when I purchased my license key, I had to (partly?) reinstall MC18, and I then lost all background images for Theatre View. I would hate if something more serious was lost....

3. If I do as described in question 2 above, this means I will be running MC18 and my son MC 19, on the same license key. Is that possible? When I am happy with my MC18, is there any reason I should upgrade to MC19 myself, and if so, what will happen to my customizations/configurations? Will anything be lost during the update?

Thanks for all help!

Best regards


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Re: Exporting set-up, sharing license and moving to MC19
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 03:37:08 pm »

You can use a single license on all "your" computers, within reason.

An MC18 license won't work with MC19, but here's more:



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Re: Exporting set-up, sharing license and moving to MC19
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2013, 02:19:08 am »

Thanks Jim, that gives a very pleasing answer to the first part of my second question  :)  And, for the sake of good order, I can confirm that the PC in my son's room is very much mine, as much as he would like to think (and sometimes behaves) otherwise.... >:(

Can you also confirm that trying to enter a license key for the MC19 will not affect the PC with the MC18 on it, or any content or configuration on the MC18?

I would also really appreciate any info on whether I can export my configuration somehow  ? (my first question)
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