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Author Topic: Syncing to Android  (Read 951 times)


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Syncing to Android
« on: October 25, 2013, 05:26:58 am »

I recently got the Galaxy Note 3 to replace my original Note and thought i'd upgrade MC from 17 to 19 in the hope that syncing music to it had improved. Sadly all the problems remain, so i'll see if i can state them clearly here.

I have a simple Smartlist called "Not played for ages" which orders all my music by 'last played' and takes 50000 MB of the 'oldest' ones. Starting with a formatted, empty 64GB MicroSD card in my phone I assign the smartlist to the device and set the following options:
  • Delete from handheld any not in sync list
  • Enable album artwork
  • Get play stats on connect

Conversion: convert everything to MP3, applying track volume levelling
Audio path: Music\

Everything else as normal.
Then i sync, and everything goes onto the card successfully and i can take the phone away and listen to music.

However when i come back and plug it in again, it all goes wrong.

Firstly, MC takes over fifteen minutes to read the card again. Just sits there saying "Working..."
Why? There's 2 JR*.xml files in the root of my card - do they not contain the info MC needs for caching? Why does it take so long to refresh?

Secondly the play stats aren't working - i can find songs that were played on my phone since the first sync that are still in smartlist, and the last played date isn't recent. This breaks the whole concept of my "Not played for ages" smartlist, as it never gets updated!

Thirdly, given the above, the smartlist should be pretty much as it was before. It is just over 7000 tracks long.
When i click on my phone in the Drives & Devices section, it is listing just over 7000 tracks, great - but almost 2000 are "In Queue". Why is that? These files are already on the device, synced last time!

Any thoughts or help on what seems (to me) to be a basic sync idea would be much appreciated.
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