I reported this issue to Yulong. He just recommended using WASAPI. He said that WASAPI is better than ASIO for Windows 7 and above.
It looks like they will not do anything to fix their driver.
I appreciate your good will in trying to resolve this problem but I believe there is nothing else you can do if the issue is in the driver.
Just found this thread, and I'm having exactly the same issues with my Yulong DA8 and new JRiver license. Thanks to your observation that attempting to open the Yulong ASIO driver control panel in JRiver that somehow magically makes it work, I'm now able to get it to play ASIO PCM when I want to without the random arcane rituals of changing every setting in reach back and forth repeatedly until it works, which is a big improvement on sacrificing a rooster or two, but still not really ideal.
But still, based on that observation, it strikes me that there IS something that can be done on the JRiver end, especially since they seem willing to help, while apparently Yulong don't care whether their customers can actually
use their products, as long as they've bought them. (And despite the DA8 costing about 30 times what JRiver does, too...)
If trying to open the (non-existant) driver panel somehow clears whatever is making the driver refuse to set PCM mode, in a situation where JRiver wants to play PCM but the Yulong driver responded to kAsioGetIoFormat with kASIODSDFormat, indicating it will fail if a change to PCM is attempted before trying to open the panel, can't JRiver send the call that attempts to launch the dialog (and also clear said dialog), then play? Basically, have the software do the dance we're doing manually through the UI every time we want to get PCM working again after playing native DSD content?
(Also, it might be a good idea to add the word "JRiver" to the forum spellcheck custom dictionary so it stops underlining it as a mistake when typing posts?)