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Author Topic: DVD starts "Not responding" after using fast forward [Solved -- scratched disc]  (Read 1278 times)


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I have had some trouble with some movies after ripping. They play part way through but then refuse to play. The last one I ripped, which was a DVD, had some visible scratches. I ripped it with Anydvd hd with no errors. I wanted to test it so I started playback of the ripped files. I played a minute or so then clicked the ff button with the mouse. The first time worked. Then I clicked it again and I got the spinning circle of wait. And wait, and wait. I checked the task manager and it said not responding. One thing I noticed is that the memory usage kept going up by about 1-2k per second. I let it sit for a while and it was at over 3gb of memory usage. Never started responding.

I want to add that I hate the hold to fast forward button. I would like to see 2 separate buttons. One for fast forward, a separate one for next. Click fast forward once to start fast forward. Click again or click play to play. It is just way too tricky to get the hold click to work well with a mouse. If I accidentally double click I am on to the next movie. Not good at all.


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Re: DVD starts "Not responding" after using fast forward then eats memory
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2013, 08:22:28 am »

I should say that the problems I have had with playing movies I have generally traced to a bad disc. Either it is dirty or scratched. Anydvd will often rip the disc without any error but then the disc becomes unplayable part way through. That is why I wanted to check various points on the rip to make sure I was not going to have a problem when watching the movie. I reproduced the lockup at least 3 times. Perhaps this is an indication of a bad rip but if I let it play it worked. It was only when I started to fast forward that it went into not responding mode.


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I think my last post must have been misunderstood. I was checking the playback because the disc was scratched. The movie played without error until I hit fast forward. Why should it become "not responding" just because I hit fast forward? Even if the disc is bad, is that the best we can hope for? I don't see this as solved.


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I played the movie again for 15 minutes. No problem. As soon as I attempted to rewind, the program became unresponsive and only an end task in Task manager got me out of it. I tried some other movies, DVD and Blu-ray without problems. So maybe it is this movie or this disc. It is Alice's Restaurant on DVD. It seems the only way to know if I can play the whole movie is to play the whole movie. Playing it seems fine as far as I went. So far, it is only fast forward and rewind that do not work. I would hope for a more graceful error message than "not responding" and end with task manager.
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