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Author Topic: Tagging Errors  (Read 1130 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Tagging Errors
« on: November 21, 2013, 12:06:02 pm »

I had earlier imported audio from an external firewire drive which holds my music. The albums had previously been organized and tagged by iTunes on a mac. Since the metadata had been thoroughly applied everything seemed to import without error (once some filenames had their length reduced) and all seemed well. All files are in ALAC format. I had skipped audio analysis on importing to make sure any tagging issues were initially addressed.
Today I started to analyze the audio and did so by restarting auto-import with audio analysis checked. It seems to be working through the files OK, except it is returning "tagging error" messages with some frequency. I stopped import after 4,000 tracks had been analyzed and there were about 75 tagging error message boxes open that had to be dismissed. I checked those files and they appear to show the audio analysis has completed and volume tags accepted.
So the question is what is likely triggering the tagging errors; and are they a problem I need be concerned with and if so how do I proceed.
And if not a major issue then is there any way to prevent each tagging error from generating a separate window that has to be dismissed. I have over 141,000 tracks to analyze and at the rate it is generating error windows there will be thousands to address if it doesn't crash before its finished.
Thanks for any and all suggestions.


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Re: Tagging Errors
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2013, 03:24:19 pm »

If you're seeing tagging error messages, the most likely cause is that there's a permissions or read-only issue.  It would be good to figure that out first.

Tagging errors are pooled and then a message for all pooled errors is shown on certain actions.

It's possible using an Action Window to message this would be better.  It's not a terribly common thing for tagging to fail, so I'm not sure if it's a worthwhile change.  Thoughts?
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Tagging Errors
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2013, 05:09:19 pm »

Personally I think it's a reasonable change, although I'd consider something like a playlist, rather than the action window.
This chimes with the poster above's experience- Neither the action window or a popup error really helps when there's large numbers of errors :)



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Tagging Errors
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2013, 11:18:56 am »

Thanks for the input. I was unable to fix the "tagging errors" but did complete the audio analysis after about 40 hours. The volume levels tags seem to have been written correctly. After starting this as an auto import process I had cancelled when seeing all the tagging error windows. Completed the process using audio analyze which also produced the same error windows.
If you are familiar with the organizational structure of iTunes (remember the audio files live on a firewire drive that was originally used by iTunes) you will know that iTunes creates a subfolder called "Compilations" to hold albums with different artists on different tracks or albums which have been tagged as compilations. What I was noticing as the tagging error windows would appear during the audio analysis procedure was that many of the errors were associated with Compilation albums. So I wonder if there was a problem created by MC not knowing how to deal with the compilation tag.
As far as I can tell there is not a permission issue with files on the firewire drive. The computer is a mac mini which has both osx 10.9 and windows 8.1 on it and is dual boot. The error message said it was caused because either the files didn't exist, had been moved or were in use by another application. I was booted in win 8.1 running only MC and clearly the files existed as they had been imported and were playable. Any thoughts would be appreciated, although I am not convinced that there is a lasting problem. I had checked a few of the albums that were flagged in the error message and the tags seem complete and the same as before and checking on the firewire drive does not show that files have been modified from the date when originally copied to it from iTunes.
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