In MC (the main application) Settings there is a setting for the Server that allows you to choose if files will be transcoded when it serves them to DLNA renderers. The choices are i) serve the original file, ii) transcode (convert) if necessary, iii) always transcode (convert) it. And if you select the transcoding, there is an additional choice of whether to convert to MP3 or PCM (called L16).
I think the Oppo can play Flacs without the server needing to do any transcoding. (Try it). But if it cannot play the Flacs, then you should set MC to transcode to L16 (which is a lossless format) rather than to MP3 (which is a lossy format).
Thanks...but I want to be sure that we are talking the same's where you are coming from...let's call it AUDIO 1

This is the Client Options area - but this is
not under the DNLA area - I believe it's the audio options for MC to use ONLY when a PC (with MC installed) is acting as a "client" when using library server. I am very familiar with this since we have library server and 5 PCs.
However - if I click Add and Configure DNLA servers - a "GENERIC DNLA" entry is there wher Audio options already preset - and I believe the actual "audio to the OPPO" occurs here under the Audio area...let's call this AUDIO 2

Then if I click on the Format dropdown...

You can see the actual formats that get passed - and as shown in this screencap - my "Generic DNLA" server (which I did not configure to my knowledge) wants to send "High Bandwidth MP3" out to any devices using this "server".
So - is it the Audio 1 area that is "serving" the audio format to the OPPO or is it Audio 2?
Gotta tell ya - if it ends up being Audio 1 - I will be totally confused as that area is clearly labelled (and located) in such a way that any layman would have no clue that it plays a role in DNLA.
Update when you can.