Version 1.13 is now posted.
Changes in Version 1.13:
- Fix: --help option was not working.
- Fix: minor typos in scriptlet Numberize.
- Fix: undefined perfile callback function was not being properly detected.
- Fix: suppress some extraneous verbose output when there is no per-file scriptlet function.
- New: DateParse scriptlet's year, month, day separator can now be specified as an RE pattern.
The default pattern includes - (dash) and . (dot). See the date_separator variable in the
config file. The same separator will be used throughout the date (first one found is used
on as the next separator).
- New: RandomPlaybackRange scriptlet now clears the Bookmark field when setting the Playback
Range field. Also, the script supports a new option to clear Playback Range and Bookmark.
Use the "clear" argument with -a (e.g. -a clear).
- New: WhichPlaylists scriptlet can now ignore playlists matched by a regular expression.
See the variable ignore_playlists_re in the config file under the WhichPlaylists section.
- New: scriptlet CopyWithM3U8 copies files and creates M3U8 playlists for those files. The
folder and filename rules are customizable, allowing you to rename copied files, including
using sequence numbers. See the instructions inside the scriptlet file.
Note: the CopyWithM3U8 (formerly called Stiv32inator during testing) has changed the way it processes arguments. The scriptlet no longer uses the -a option and its complex double-quoted argument string. Instead, the scriptlet uses everything on the command line after a double-dash. Example:
perl -c pscriptor-config.txt -E CopyWithM3U8 -f 'MyGroupField' -- --base "M:\My Copied Music" --folder Playlists --file "<seq> <fname>"
All the stuff in blue (that is, everything after the lone --) is processed by the scriptlet, and the form of the scriptlet options now follows the same style as pscriptor's main options. Use --help as a scriptlet option to see the scriptlet's options:
perl -c pscriptor-config.txt -E CopyWithM3U8 -f "My Group Field" -- --help
CopyWithM3U8 options:
--basepath | -b <base path> # base path of the destination folder
--delete | -d # delete existing files first?
--help | -h # output scriptlet help and usage text
--filename | -f <filename spec> # the specification that defines how filenames should be constructed
--folderfield | -F <column name> # the name of a column that defines the sub-folder component
You may have noticed that in the first example above, the scriptlet option --filename has been abbreviated as --file. In fact, any option may be abbreviated to an unambiguous form, so --fo would be acceptable as --foldername and --fi would be acceptable as --filename. Of course, the single letter options are still valid, with -F for --foldername and -f for --filename.