Sorry about this very wordy answer, but I hope it clarifies my problems and the options I hope will eventually be incorporated into the Linux Version of MC 19.
If you will download the old version of Media Jukebox 8.0.400 and create several "smartlists," you will find those smartlists also listed when you go to the buttons beneath the "play time" indicator (bar) on the lower left corner of the screeen. The furthest one to the right will open "Playback Options," "Playback Filter," and "DSP Studio." Left clicking that leftmost button will allow you to then left click "Playback Options." Your choices are "Do Not Filter," "Play Only." and "Skip." Skip allows you the option to skip (not play) any specific "smartlist." I use genres (frequently multiple genres) as my "smartlists's labels" and so any smartlists' can include one or more genres. By electing to "skip" Christmas," I can play any smartlist, albume, artist, or the whole library and MJ8 will not play any songs which have "Christmas" as one of the genres in the genre properties of that song.
I am hoping that MJ19 will have that same set of options within it. (I bet $25 on it when I purchased the license.)
And MJ8 will download to Linux Mint Debian Edition via WINE, but when downloaded into this Linux distro, it will not recognize my dvd/cd drive(s) and also not allow the "equalizer to be used. Otherwise it runs as it does in Windows 98 through XP. Thus I have to download my songs into the Music file via another method (from emails to importing via the dvd/cd drive into another program which recognizes the dvd/cd drive) then import those "new" songs into MJ8 and convert them into a compressed mode such as mp3 or ogg.
Since Linux can "see" into my Windows partition, I can also copy and paste these songs from the Windows Partition into the music folder on my LMDE one. However, I plan to switch completely to LMDE in the near future as Microsoft is withdrawing support from XP on 8 April 2014.
Did I clarify my situation and problems and hopes for the Linux version of MC 19 (I hope)?
Have a Harmmmmmmoniously Happy Christmas,
tlcmd (aka Dick)