I found some weird timing issue
If I call this Browse/Image URL immediately after the last MCWS call (e.g. Browse/Children )
http://xx/MCWS/v1/Browse/Image?ID=1081&Width=1600&Height=1600&Token=PW5J4NTIthen I get an image 400x400
but If I wait about 2-3 seconds, then I get the correct 1600x1600 image ?
This happens when the MCWS server is a library server client AND ALSO when I connect directly to the library server itself.
also MCWS/v1/File/GetImage?File=...&Type=Full.... doesn't work at all for audio or video when MCWS server is a library server client
When I connect directly to the library server and use GetImage?File=...&Type=Full.... all is ok.
no timing issues or thumbnail problem
as a workaround, I now get the album cover directly from the library server using GetImage?File=...&Type=Full.... while still getting the rest from the MCWS server (a library server client )
attached pictures show difference between (upscaled) thumbnail and full when screen resolution is 1920x1200
(I use this on a nexus 10 tablet which is 2560x1600)